Philosophy around Zeropainter's War

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Post Fri Sep 26, 2014 6:30 pm

Re: Re: Zeropainter - GFX

That's very sweet, B, I wish to us all the same! :)
I'm sure that translating my text would be simply a mess, thus don't worry!

Ah yes, I vaguely remember something like that, too. I should find it and move it to here as well. :geek:
Thanks and have a great weekend, too. Meditating over these topics is always a good idea, if you get the chance to. It takes some time to really open up ones mind to the fundamentals of life, the human truth, deep down in the basics. and its confusion into what we believe to know now.
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Post Tue Oct 07, 2014 11:15 am

Re: Zeropainter - GFX

It took me a little longer before I get to that and can write some of my reflections and comments on the topic of war. Please excuse my worse English. If it is not readable let me know please and I will ask my wife :) She is much much better english speaker than me.

With what you wrote, Taron, in virtually I agree. The reason I previously mentioned poverty as a possible cause of the war I try to describe in the following lines ..

If a person is happy and balanced then has no reason to take happiness from others. Happiness is of course difficult to define the term. We can generally can say that the human being is the bio-psycho-social unit :) . When all of these levels are in harmony and are fullfilled there is no reason to be dissatisfied. Human, however, is generally set to wants more and more. At the same time there is an opportunity to compare with someone else and judge whether he/she is better or worse than others. This property may be good for the environment, but at the same time is causing all the problems. The good news is that without the constant desire to achieve something or to improve there would be no progress and inventions. But sometimes adversity or the actions not fulfill all desires and leads to frustration. Then seduces human in his "little" fight not only with the environment, often with himself/herself. This private fight can lead to the big impacts. Now I do not take into account the pathological nature and types of people who do well when others hurt, but once you start to promote their own interests at the expense of others, it is wrong. Freedom of everyone ends where another one begins. If more people eated up with a desire to achieve a better tomorrow join together and do not mind using violence, war is here. Either small or greater ..

Experience of the poverty tends people into thoughts and frustration that the system in which they live does not fulfill basic needs and safety. If all people are on the same level it don‘t come to anything strange. However, if there is an opportunity to compare and see that someone lives better, why would not to live better. Just then these sparks ignite using with the brainwashing or mental power of the crowd that can be control with a skillful manipulator and handy speaker. If the weapons are available for the manipulated crowd, the fanaticism or bigotry is too in the game and contempt for life and chanting death, we can expect big difficulty.

Every human community needs the system. It includes criminal organization, because chaos cannot live for ages and leads to its destruction. The system has its own rules, which may conflict with another system. Different systems also can bring a different interpretations of the values. In the system there is a similar parallel as a human. It tends to develop and expand. If it is not satisfied with the conditions and wants more (power, lands,…) the fire is on the roof ..
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Post Wed Oct 08, 2014 7:14 am

Re: Re: Zeropainter - GFX

That was completely understandable, Lemi! I think, if I get you to write and read even more, your English will quickly become perfect! :ob
(not sure, if reading my texts will get you there, though!?) :oops:

You're describing a part of how the machinery gets people to join a cause. There's no natural reason for poverty, especially looking at our technical understanding of nature, how we can tame even a dramatic crisis, if we take advantage of our powers. War does not originate from people themselves. It doesn't take a lot of people for any two groups to realize that it is insane to kill each other and it wouldn't end with the dominance of one group over another, but with a solution for existence of both or even the joining into one group. We are no longer animals, despite what media tries to convey. In the universe we represent the next layer above reactive intelligence and don't have to submit to the rule of the jungle anymore.
However, we have a weakness that applies to all of life, but we human beings are on the cusp of overcoming it with the power of our mind: Life ticks by the forces of fear and desire. It does so from the beating of our heart to the breathing into our lungs, to hunger, to clothing, to housing and so on. The very root of being a life depends on us wanting another heartbeat, fearing to miss the next, wanting air and fearing not to have enough again, desire food and fearing to starve...this is how the pendulum of life keeps swinging.
But with all the basics generally covered, our focus goes to the higher measures of this pendulum's swinging. The worst may be the desire to having something non-essential and the fear not to have it, going backward would be followed by the desire to be respected and the fear to be ridiculed and the crossroads may be the desire to be useful and the fear to be not. All these aspects appear to us as essential as our heartbeat the more we lose touch of those basics. When our entire focus is on these outer reaches of this pendulum of life, the inner needs eventually start screaming and bad conditions start to appear. It may start with psychological problems, then move on to physical conditions all the way down to our core of life, depending on how strongly we've forgotten about those fundamental desires and fears.
Anyway, the system is designed to use this mechanic of life. It brings our focus to the widest swing of this pendulum, because it knows that it has only limited access to the basic amplitude. Hunger can be controlled, but further down to air and heartbeat it normally can't go. Air has been under attack for a while, though, but that's a different story, haha.
Thus our desires are being raised far out of the range of necessity and equally our fears follow, because that is how it works. You can't fear something without wanting the opposite or want something without fearing the opposite. The question is, which of the two are you using to make your decisions!? The more you make yourself aware of your basic factors that give you life, the more you take charge in making your choice for the less essential notches on that scale of the pendulum. They won't matter as much anymore and those, who try to hijack you by those fears and desires, will lose their power over you gradually.

Just so I mention it, what you've been describing are mostly the makings of a civil war, when a populous recognizes that it must have been treated unfairly and they rise against their own leadership or want to split from the larger group that is being made responsible (aka the fall of the Soviet Union). But a war that has one nation cross an ocean to destroy a totally foreign culture, that's a different story and the means to rouse people to join the cause are partially explained above.

Yes, there is more, certainly. Psychology examines even more bizarre effects we can observe in not just the behavior of a single human, but entire cultures. It's a universal desire to find logic, but in order to find it, it requires order where there can be order. The largest momentum will often take over, simply to sort things out in the pursuit of logic. Sometimes this momentum seemingly comes out of nowhere, but it is the strength of its believers, those, who understand what may well be the next applicable solution, which gives magnitude to such momentum. If it is wrong, it will get smashed, if it keeps us from interacting properly, it will be dispersed, but the speed in which this happens depends heavily on the strength of our understanding. The more people see a solution, the more likely it will win. It's not enough to see the problem, that leads to nothing all by itself. You have to understand where things would have to go in order to improve a situation. See the solution! That is never ever a passive thing, but has to be active, requires activity. That's often the biggest hurdle for us. We often are so fixated on problems that we forget to really carefully examine potential solutions. It's hard work and intense focus that is needed...the readiness to face new challenges.
Ah well...
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Post Wed Oct 08, 2014 11:49 am

Re: Zeropainter - GFX

Thank you Taron for your comment and thoughts! I am not sure if I can get perfect english in the future but I am really sure that the reading of your texts and the requirement to think in English is very helpful for my learning! :) It looks like I have english lessons for gratis.. :beer:

I will try to comment your last post and think more about the topic in the next few days. It looks like my family got flu and I will have to help..

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Post Thu Oct 23, 2014 6:56 pm

Re: Zeropainter - GFX

Yeah!! I love you Taron!! Im fully agree.
The photo is like a Red Oktober Sky, the revolution will came soon! ;)

My name is Rubén Germán Taron, hope to still being in contact with you! Keep ride hard! :)
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Post Fri Oct 24, 2014 4:40 pm

Re: Zeropainter - GFX

Ok, its not about war, that video, but very important I think, I found it today in a german facebook forum, with german subtitles. Very great I think.

The german facebook version, with subtitles:
its an open link - also for non-facebook-members.Best comment in german
Gib einem Mann eine Waffe und er kann eine Bank ausrauben. Gib einem Mann eine Bank und er kann die ganze Welt ausrauben. /// Give a man a gun and he can rob a bank. Give a man a bank and he can rob the world.
So true...

the same youtube-clip, from the original - tragedy & hope channel
RISE UP - Official Video
When YOU are ready to rise, YOU'll rise up..

This video is so nice made, true and important :ob

We have the power to create whatever future we want!!!
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Post Fri Oct 24, 2014 6:04 pm

Re: Re: Zeropainter - GFX

Ah, yeah, I'll have a watch later, but I'm afraid there's little new for me to learn on that front, haha. Trouble is, everyone thinks a revolution is about removing the slavers of the system without removing the system itself. But to do that, there has to be a massive shift in consciousness altogether. We can't just shake off the shackles and keep bickering against each other.
I'm afraid there are only two ways in which such a change will happen, but it will happen for sure:
- Way #1 is to be patient and gradually wake up to what each of us is meant to do and to recognize that we mean everything to each other! That can still take 100s of years.
- Way #2 a total catastrophe wipes out the fundamental structure of everything, few are left to pick the pieces back up and realize that we used to live in total madness, while we didn't have to. That won't require much patience, but also leaves few people to require any to begin with, haha... ouch.

However, learning who we are to each other and recognizing the combined effort we represent of the universe to manifest yet another dimension is a massive step forward for sure! Even while we still have to deal with the societal game we were born into, it shouldn't stop us from thinking far more humane than the rules of the game. :ugeek:

Oh, thanks for the link, of course! :ob
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Post Mon Nov 10, 2014 10:34 am

Re: Zeropainter - GFX

That's also very great (its satyirc) but so true & sad. I'm sorry, its only in german, maybe one can made english subtitles?
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Post Fri Apr 15, 2022 11:27 am

Re: Philosophy around Zeropainter's War

For me the wisest words of a politician in connection with the Ukraine-Russia war. unfortunately in German language.
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Post Fri Apr 15, 2022 12:00 pm

Re: Philosophy around Zeropainter's War

I may remove these posts, because they really shouldn't pollute our little island of art here. I almost would wish I could teach you to look at things for what they truly are to figure out who is telling you what. My advice is:

Stop for a moment and look truly and openly at your actual life, who is helping you, who is hurting you, who dares take freedom away from you to keep you from doing what you truly wish to do, especially if you know that what you wish to do is something that you can give of yourself to others. Also, look at others and see how much freedom they get to do the same! Then look at who might take this away from them and to what end! Do not look at threats against you, do not let any fear cloud your judgement, any worry about losing what little may be left to you. Instead, imagine what freedom would mean to your real actions from your heart!
When you have discovered this, then you can dive into the details of what's in the way and then you can spend some time brainstorming, who might be responsible for the limits you have made to believe in. Consider all associations with it yourself from your actual, real point of view and NOT from the views that are being relayed to you. You may consider who is relaying these views. This may help you on your quest of finding out who appears to be your controller.

Anyway, I can't and don't want to go any further. Just that I'd want us to keep our peace here, have a place for our art, for our heart, for our soul. No matter what madness rushes through and over us, as long as we find a way back to ourselves and keep letting us create, we'll always be fine and we are doing the truly proper thing. It's the only thing you can ever really know, this is what you wish to really do and the journey it means for you towards fulfillment.
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