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Star Wars - The dissapointment awakens

PostPosted: Mon Jan 04, 2016 12:44 am
by Knacki
Today I saw the new Star Wars movie.
All I can say is:
"Please skip that!!"
Wait until you can see it on TV and stop it breaking records.
I don't want to go into detail.
All I want to say is that you have seen almost everything already, but much better told with much less logical mistakes.
Just one spoiler because it is a super new invention:
You will be in a bar. There will be a lot of different creatures. A band plays.

Re: Star Wars - The dissapointment awakens

PostPosted: Mon Jan 04, 2016 8:57 am
by Taron
That would be the worst pick for an example to repel people, hahaha! :lol: :roll:
One might absolutely enjoy seeing that old bar again, haha.
But I have every intention to watch it on my monitor! ;)

Re: Star Wars - The dissapointment awakens

PostPosted: Mon Jan 04, 2016 3:09 pm
by Lemivision
I saw it on Friday. My wife liked it but I am not a big fan of Star Wars so I cannot rate. For me it was a big challenge to stay awake. :)

I think this series has a big potential to be a neverending story. ;) What can I suggest more is the Breaking bad TV series!

Re: Star Wars - The dissapointment awakens

PostPosted: Mon Jan 04, 2016 3:12 pm
by Taron
Meh...breaking bad is too depressing, while very addictive (nudge, nudge). I think, best is to use any moment of inspiration to explore and keep writing your own story! 8-)

Re: Star Wars - The dissapointment awakens

PostPosted: Mon Jan 04, 2016 3:27 pm
by Lemivision
Yes, you are right, definitely! :) But unfortunately I haven´t caught this moment yet. But who knows, almost all is possible. :)

Re: Star Wars - The dissapointment awakens

PostPosted: Mon Jan 04, 2016 4:32 pm
by Taron
Bullcrap, Lemi, you are full of inspiration and your life is wonderful! I absolutely adore what you've shared with me already and think you are surrounded by wonders that have a beautiful impact on your creativity!
Enjoy with all your heart each actual moment of life with all the joy and all the pain, all the stress and all the moments of peace you can gather. They all are there to teach you, to help you navigate through the challenge of existing as a human being among humans and all other beings. With your desire to create, you are a special knot in that universal web and many threads connect to you because of that. Like a harp, but much more complex, it is a long process to learn to play it, but just start picking at them and music will come out! ;)

Re: Star Wars - The dissapointment awakens

PostPosted: Tue Jan 05, 2016 9:49 am
by Lemivision
:) Ha, it looks I didn´t understand your words about "writing own story" in a right way. I understood you suggest me to write a screenplay story or a book. :-) Sorry, my brain circuits are sometimes little bit longer than could be.. :roll:

Thank you so much for your kind words, Taron! :bow: This topic is for a different thread. We all have privilige to write our own stories. If we caught the best that reside inside us, a will to do something reasonable and if we expand our abilities and patience, we all are able to do big things! Everyone and everything is part of the universe, we can work together or fight against each other. There is a long journey for everybody to recognise the right way to go, as you said if we find it, the result harp will play harmony..

BTW Taron, by my opinion you are VERY good in writing and how to use words in the right way. You should definitely write your own book! I will be very happy reader of it!

Back to Star Wars.. It looks like director (Abrams) of the last Star Wars is a big fan of the first parts. The problem is, almost all current major production is focused on the big profit. Yes we all need money to live and survive but I don´t think that more and more explosions and fights are too important for a good movie. Common practice of today - mix maximum of action + more or less love (or sex) + visual effects + some little story behind = new movie for the cinema..
In an case the result is very good filmmaking with no doubt. I am always surprised what is possible to complete today in regards to visual effects and how to connect them with our real world..

Re: Star Wars - The dissapointment awakens

PostPosted: Tue Jan 05, 2016 10:32 am
by Zeropainter
hey, I was earlier disapointed - the first movies - from 1970's / 80's are great - even on TV - and I watched the first 'new' Star Wars Movies 15 years ago in a cinema, nice cg-effects, whow - but the story bullsh*t for me, maybe cool for 6 years old kids. So I did avoid to watch the new movies until today. Can we create a timemaschine and driv to the 70's and 80's?

I think the best Hollywood Movies are mostly in the between the 30's and early 90's only :roll:

Re: Star Wars - The dissapointment awakens

PostPosted: Tue Jan 05, 2016 11:04 am
by Ovn1
It could be too early to really judge SW7. I know a lot of people dislike it.
I have seen it and I must admit this is not a revolution like SW4 "a new hope".
To my mind the main problem is not specific to SW7.
(beware, following information could be a kind of SPOILER)
There is indeed a general reboot aspect for ALL current blockbusters in this decade! (last 2 decades?)
Now the rule is to have remake of remake (like upcoming MUMMY movie).
Lack of creativity is definitely a factor for successful blockbusters. See top 5: Avatar (FernGully/Pocahontas) , Titanic, Jurassic World, Avengers, Furious 7...
Successful movies just need to be effectively marketed and "pre-sold" :D
Anyway this is another debate.

Re: Star Wars - The dissapointment awakens

PostPosted: Tue Jan 05, 2016 5:29 pm
by Zeropainter
You are right Ov1n - until the middle 90's we didn't have good cg-effects but good stories ... now we have often cool cg-effects but bad stories.

But sometimes we have even bad stories & bad cd-effects - a good cg effect is - that you have the feeling, that this is real and not from an Artwork-Studio with Autodesk & Adobe Tools and so on.

Some CG Effects are too clean like this: u see thats cg generatet. dislike it :PP .. good cg effects means you don't feel thtas a cg effect.