Intars' gallery

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Post Fri Sep 27, 2019 5:56 pm

Re: Intars' gallery

I was more inclined to held view that yes (coincidence) - Director on right is sort of 'better'. Left one though has one thing about it - due to missing eyes he looks somewhat more
alien, more menacing but on very, very, very nuanced way something is missing and not so pronounced there. And because of very small eye openings and corrected shattered glass pieces grown-into-skin-and-bone tissues on the right one, where they are more sharp, more prolonged, it made me feel that right one came closer to final look, not loosing much in alien look to whole thing. So i will incline to agree with Tartan (you helped me confirm my bias on right one for now).

Yes, internet getting more unwelcoming. I do start getting feeling of growing uncertainty of publishing tricky socially-conscious dark art, also in the coming future especially :?
Taron, as for story and this dark character - maybe it will be like spoiler to you, but no - this character his meaning-wise isn't conceived as one doing some direct violent stuff to anyone,
like biting, attacking some human or other life forms directly. Also he doesn't represent a manifestation, a representation symbol or corrupted, conspired, ultra-rich persons or human worst
individual sum. I "found" this character from different "angle". He is in no ways directly tied to humanity at all specifically. What he is tied to, attracted to, thou, is a total sum and concentrations of existing fears in any organized, collective and industrialized life form anywhere on cosmic level. That is what attracts this deity and something else that comes with him, and his shape gets formed by such civilizations hidden history, mental images, nightmare snapshots, physics, time and little bit more...
Artistically speaking - if society experiences extreme levels of fear, hidden, suppressed, revealed or unrevealed, consciously recognized or unrecognized, no matter which ones, this deity is starting to get attracted to such society and his borderland tunneled into, connected with fear infested society on some surreal, hallucinatory 'channel' and events get rolling (for the film :roll: ). Probably i stolen this concept from Nightmare on Elm street artistic concept of Freddy Kruger and Silent Hill nightmare world's dimension which was real to those trapped there. Well, this Director would be probably like Freddy or Pyramid Head but without their gloves,violent force and active killings. It's the whole place that sort of takes life away from those entrapped in there. He more like observes, supervises and feeds off such a place dynamics and survival-fears.

I like surreal depths in art. I know, its kinda hard on sanity of viewers and often may be not even funny but only depressing :roll:
But that's not the point to terrorize viewer :lol: , its more to give secure guidance and travel-tour through interesting depths of some dark, socially-conscious art, if i may say so.

As about those small groups of people. Well, yes, may be so. Truth is generational. Times are harsh now and with their goods. Without engineering and technology, which seemingly continues its evolution (probably and mostly thanks to bright technical aspirations from science and inventor folks pure curiosity) irrespective of obsolete economic model ,originating from 1770's, without much true modernization root-value-wise in it, i guess with our modern time elites due to their companionship, friendship to all and their competencies we would be back to feudal times without electricity and internet and uninterrupted food supply. I guess that yes, many distortions may fit into small, recognized and investigated box at the end of the truth-revealing story some day in future society's history lessons.

Good term - art being jester :ob I guess, you nailed it, Taron. My whole imagined thing that is Fear Society can be looked as total jestery, so i see it :)
Didn't imagined myself to coin it this way.
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Post Thu Nov 07, 2019 6:47 pm

Re: Intars' gallery

So, time goes by and another verve paint comes into existence.
I thought its a good candidate to be uploaded here. See, people, if you can have fun viewing this :roll:
My another thought was around idea of somehow accentuating this quite a long-standing, quite deep and held dear artistic project "Fear Society".
That's the only reason i add some formal text to image - just to mark where this image has its place concept-wise. Maybe in a time you all become
more familiar with the whole thing once more images from this project begins to fuse into bigger picture, and find your own ways to appreciate something
from this long-lasting fragmented effort.

Except the added text (in Gimp), as always, that's 100% verve-paint. When you paint in verve, it is so easy of not wanting to have anything else as a tool.

How do you think - what's going on here?
fs_vietnam_borderland_scenarios_01 (7nov2019)_web.jpg
fs_vietnam_borderland_scenarios_01 (7nov2019)_web.jpg (107.39 KiB) Viewed 11678 times
Last edited by Intars on Thu Nov 07, 2019 6:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post Thu Nov 07, 2019 6:55 pm

Re: Intars' gallery

It feels like a mixture of fire and toxins, like a chemical apocalypse of sorts. Possibly this was a city or village at some point, while other villages show their destruction in the background. Maybe some warnings where dropped earlier, but still way too late. It sure looks like there was an oil canister in the foreground... all in all, definitely a catastrophe of sorts.
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Post Fri Nov 08, 2019 9:11 am

Re: Intars' gallery

Taron - you gave me quite an editorial possible update, an alternative, thank you c:!
Yes, there was kind of something "embedded" consciously by me into this image, but for large part even i have no clue, no definite vision. So there was lots of room for interpretation.
And what an interesting expansion you gave me c:! I hadn't imagined few moments like you did, ..really interesting, ..thou Vietnam, maybe something of bombing, accidents do form
some part obviously. I will hold for a while my original, somewhat fuzzy, still not finalized idea/intuition of what i tried to depict there. Maybe someone else will tune in, i don't want to spoil a minuscule different "reading".
Let me be a happy, friendly parasite for a moment 8-)
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Post Fri Nov 08, 2019 11:16 am

Re: Intars' gallery

There's, of course, the famous quote from Apocalypse now: "I love the smell of Napalm in the morning"... but, yeah, looking forward to your original idea, too! :hyper:
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Post Wed Nov 20, 2019 3:02 am

Re: Intars' gallery

Time for some improvised fan-art. I wanted to do some of it for soo long, the Pandora box has been opened c:!
I know these fictional characters need no introduction. With help and power of Verve - the greatest painting tool i ever had crossed, i gave a try in reaching some of my memories from NES times.
In memory and appraisal of great and interesting childhood times. We loved Ninja Turtles :rock:
Remember people the good times, the good old 8-bit art and work of Japanese game-designers and developers.
Turtli_vs_Shreders_1 (20 Nov 2019).jpg
Turtli_vs_Shreders_1 (20 Nov 2019).jpg (155.5 KiB) Viewed 11527 times
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Post Sun Nov 24, 2019 7:05 pm

Re: Intars' gallery

Time for some happy art too c:!
Park with the swimming pool (24 Nov 2019).jpg
Park with the swimming pool (24 Nov 2019).jpg (177.04 KiB) Viewed 11393 times
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Post Wed Dec 04, 2019 8:27 pm

Re: Intars' gallery

In my studies we have those lecture series "Artificial intelligence basics", which turns out to be logically, computationally very, very interesting one.
Our professor - teacher is (understandably) quite harsh with requirements, deadlines, control works; to the point when approaching the closing of semester
things get crazy and many students start to get nervous finally :hihi:
I am quite disciplined student and don't leave everything to last day or hour, but with my personal slowness in accumulating new, unfamiliar information, especially
in a rush, i have to often reread lectures and book pages twice, even three times before i think i start getting it plus minus correctly . After all i am 33 - slowness
starts creeping in, brain starts not wanting to learn new stuff that easily. And this class subject is so difficult and confusing to comprehend immediately.
And now with a semester closing, deadlines and rules of the game to get access for exam ticket, finally becoming evident to whole course students, fear and panic levels rising up,
students loosing their tempers and minds --- ...i remembered that art may help and heal little bit. I am angry at how in universities informational overwhelming is institutionalized and
normalized so easily. Public universities have surrendered to market forces i guess long time ago.

My pain and psychological drag from efforts to pass course requirement suddenly this night/morning turned into this picture.

.... and at the end session of this another Verve-painting i thought that a happy Face has to be there :P
See if you like this. At the end, i must say, i felt great and less troubled. Verve painter turned into medicine, literally, no kidding :bow:
artificial intelligence_and some happy Face.jpg
artificial intelligence_and some happy Face.jpg (210.42 KiB) Viewed 10665 times
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Post Fri Dec 13, 2019 1:38 pm

Re: Intars' gallery

Wohohoho, wow, Intars, that's quite disturbing and oddly hilarious at the same time. :lol: ...really looks like losing all minds, which is pretty fitting for sure. Maybe it will take A.I. to finally make people understand the mechanical nature of brains as opposed to the very different origin and dwelling of consciousness.
However, you may get an inspiration from learning about the (mechanical) nature of the mind regarding how it "stores" information. The mind is essentially a big web of associations, gaining strength and clarity from the amount of connections and their states; right/wrong and everything in between. For example, if you learn something new, it has to get woven into your existing associations. Many of them are "conscious", but likely the majority are sub-conscious and undeclared. Thus, if you wish to learn something new, you best try to examine as many possible associations with your existing understanding as possible. Not to forget one of the most fundamental aspects of all manifestations there are: stable repetition. The more often something repeats consistently, the more it gains stability, which sounds painfully obvious, but people generally don't look at everything that way, if at all. Repeating and repeating consistently is not the same! So, if one thinks he can just read something 100 times and the information sticks, he's very wrong! If he weaves the information into contexts he already has, motivated by as many reasons as possible, that's when the information begins to really stick, because it will begin to make sense.
That's also where the big difference lies between A.I. and our consciousness: Meaningful Motivation. Yes, you can contrive a motivation or try to just workout the symptoms that suggest there was a motivation, but it has nothing to do with a driving force that does NOT come from survival! All materialists make that big mistake of believing in survival as fundamental motivation. This is ultimately wrong and short-sighted, but excusable, for we simply don't have tangible access to any source outside of our perceivable dimensions. However, if we dig deep enough within ourselves, possibly with some guidance, we may find the gates to our infinite nature, where we reside even now, regardless the narrow scope of our current awareness. We can look at what we want to do, how we perceive the world, other people, those we love, those we can't avoid and those we want to reach and then consider the following: If my heaven gives me complete freedom with no boundaries made by others, because nobody has access to my heaven, nor have I access to the heaven of anybody else, I would be surrounded by my ideals only, knowing everything there is to know, unable to share, unable to innovate beyond the potential of my imagination. Here on Earth, though, I am able to share and experience the ideas, actions and creations of others, deal with the unexpected and gain knowledge about things I could not have made up. Things are no longer infinite, but within a framework that constantly evolves, adapts and grows, giving me the opportunity to de-fine that which can be defined, lifting it out of finality. We can aspire to bring a desired kind of infinity into this finite world, which we all share.
Our motivation comes from understanding possibilities we wouldn't have had in our infinite home from our eternal source.
A.I. can be made with the aspiration to simulate such conditions, but there will not have been an understanding in its root that can formulate a strong, original motivation, which only needs to be a silent backbone to the active experience.
Ok, that was a lot, haha... well, my good monitor seems to have died today and I'm staring at my 12 year old monitor, which luckily still works and is quite tiny. Writing you all this is sort of cathartic to me, too. Maybe I should fire up Verve, while this may frustrate me even more, looking at this small screen... :PP ...ah well. :shrug:
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Post Sat Dec 14, 2019 9:14 am

Re: Intars' gallery

RIP monitor! ;)
Is beautiful that please without concept!
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