Jim Carrey

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Post Thu Feb 16, 2017 4:24 pm

Jim Carrey

Interesting speech and painting: ;)
Last edited by Lemivision on Thu Feb 16, 2017 4:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post Thu Feb 16, 2017 4:26 pm

Re: Jim Carrey

and now something completely different: :lol:
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Post Thu Feb 16, 2017 5:17 pm

Re: Jim Carrey

Yeah, I remember that speech. Still always good to be careful with them folks, but yeah...content is content! ;)
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Post Fri Feb 17, 2017 8:45 am

Re: Jim Carrey

Yes. Like more great comedians, on the face is smile but soul is sad and wise..
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Post Fri Feb 17, 2017 10:33 am

Re: Jim Carrey

Hmm, yes, that is what I mean by being careful with them. Those guys had chosen a really peculiar and dangerous path with a great deal of sacrifice...so...we may very well connect to some significant revelations he's been sharing, but there's always a hidden side, hard to make out, but sure to come through. :? ;)
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Post Fri Feb 17, 2017 3:57 pm

Re: Jim Carrey

You are right. If I am able to express my thoughts in english like you, Taron! Hmm, I have to devote more time to learn english. Lazy Lemi.. :roll:
It is interesting how many people have depression and ADHD nowadays (or is it same always?).
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Post Fri Feb 17, 2017 4:46 pm

Re: Jim Carrey

Well, the #1 difference is DIAGNOSIS!
People may not actually have changed at all, but the relentlessly evil medical industries or organizations run amuck with diagnosing any anxiety or restlessness as mental dysfunction. Presently people are being forced to deal with an ever more confusing system around them. Starting with an idiotically aggressive and useless educational system that just drains the kids of their selves, while stuffing them up with bullshit they must believe and get tested on to ensure they're properly indoctrinated. At the same time the food and other environmental toxins carve away our wellness in every regard, making it harder and harder to focus, distracted by reduced functionality within the body and likely many little aches that are meant to be normal. The sense of pressure is tremendous on everybody, but the sense of confusion is at an all time high. So...it's not people, who have changed, but a system that desperately works on changing them.

Look, we are being bombarded with media messages on threats, looming war, natural disasters, astronomical doomsday warnings, brainwashing from every single direction. Chief among all them is the amazing attempt to confuse people about conspiracies, after some core mechanics had become mainstream, such as the monetary system's scam on the world and the false flag operations to create the classic and long known Hegelian dialectic of creating a problem, contriving a reaction and offering a solution. All the while the new phantom enemy could be anywhere. Then they make sure the ethnicity associated with the "enemy" gets mixed wildly into the masses, like nothing but tools, further making sure that nobody feels safe anywhere. Anyway...so, they flush the web with make-believe conspiracy nonsense, on top of it all is the glorious flat earth insult. An attempt to make people believe that other people are mentally still in the deepest of dark ages and cannot be taken serious whatsoever. It's like they are meant to be considered as worthless. Then they make sure you tie all the damning revelations together with this kind of sub-par branch of humanity. At the same time you get bombarded with human stupidity such as Jackasses and the likes, Epic Fails, this kind of stuff that exhibits the worst or at least the worst moments of mankind, so to say.
At the end we should simply neither trust any other "normal" human being, nor ourselves, but surrender our faith entirely to the saving arms of authorities, which ever they may end up being. Currently that would be government, but who knows where that goes...

So, yeah, people are anxious. But they're not devolving just yet. The assault on all of us is quite wholesome, hahaha, very well worked out. That's what those think-tanks are for, you know. Bunch of careful psychopaths, who normally would roam free as serial killers, hahahaha, get to sit together and think up how to do a much better job and get much more misery into the masses to truly dominate them all. What more there is we cannot tell, of course. Where does it lead to, besides the current shift of the control system, that's also not clear to me. I know that money will become secondary very soon. Its role is changing as devices are coming that provide much better control, much more directly. :twisted: ...no good for any of us, though. :(

Maybe, though, we can collectively inspire a healthier future, too. I mean, for us artists there is always inspiration, there's always a reason to do what we do and to pursue betterment with passion and joy. Still our work will also continue to inspire, I have no doubt about it and the need of it for- basically- the rest of time, hehe. c:!

Humans, however, don't change so quickly, because they've been our well worked out vessel for countless millennia. The biology behind us is just fine. We're dealing with a different kind of beast for many millennia as well, which only seems to come to some sort of climax in this period. Just be careful with media, tv shows, movies, news, all this stuff. They work forward, not reflective. They project! You are meant to believe that they reflect, though, as if reality was roughly how they portrait it. But it is not! Not ever other person around you is gay or every 10th child wants to switch gender or even cares about that bullshit, nor are schools flooded with transsexuals or adult males commonly prefer children...oh dear God, the insanity. But this is what media shows us these days, wanting us to adapt to the madness. At the same time they work in schools to corrupt the kids completely hardcore. Amazingly upsetting. I've been watching many other parts of the madness developing over the years, from virus scares to global warming and above all terrorism. But right now they really make me freak out. Why destroy the children? Is that the last straw, the guaranteed fail safe upsetting of any decent human being? Whatever it is, it gets to me and does scare me as much as it makes me sad. Guess how they would diagnose me now?! :lol: :P
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Post Tue Feb 21, 2017 9:16 pm

Re: Jim Carrey

I can speak only for myself but I am not dare enough to diagnose you, Taron! :) ;)

We are all part of the system and that system reflects us, our fear, our wishes, our mortality and our imaginations about an ideal world too. Still we are very distant from the ideal system. In fact the ideal world doesn´t exist, maybe the final level is nothingness. I hope it is not but who knows. Everybody and everything tends to the equilibrium and harmony. Because human beings has been able to survive for relatively longer time it looks that the system rooted inside us doesn´t tend to totally destroy ourselves. There is still some break and self-preservation instinct that doesn´t allow to destroy all. Yes, over there are stiil waiting visible or invisible threats that try to worse our live. But there is stiil sunshine that throws warm rays to our hearts, souls and minds. With no doubt some of the warm rays is your Verve and your forum here!

I am still not sure what is better - to be informed about news (mostly very terrifying) or not be. I still think it is better to be informed because we have time to be more prepared for the future. I think, with little bit of common sense and some knowledge it is still possible to recognise what is total bullshit or not. On the other side, I have to confess sometimes it is very difficult to do that - distorting facts is everywhere and propaganda too.

BTW I finally bought Bhagavadgíta (czech translation). I hope I can let you know soon my thoughts about it.. :beer:
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Post Tue Feb 21, 2017 10:30 pm

Re: Jim Carrey

AH, sweet! Well, all I can tell you already is to "hang in there", when you begin reading it! Depending on the format you have it in, you may have to chew through, or skip over mammoth amounts of thanks and greetings and all that. But even after that you will likely get a summary of the Mahabharat, the epic family feud that precedes the setting of the Bhagavad Gita. Then, after that, the actual setting gets explained and the conversation begins between Arjuna and Krishna, which really is exclusively questions and answers, of course.
Now, if you have a version with commentary underneath, beware of it, or rather ignore it! I find that the nature of the beautiful conversation is tailored to be understood by the reader only, who will try to make sense of it based on their background. Thus, ordinarily commentaries come most likely from scholars or devotes of sorts. They tend to justify their own perspective and may not really understand what you should for yourself!
Example: Krishna would say something on how Arjuna best views a certain problem and provides a perspective. A commentary then would speak of various ways of worship or the likes, which has nothing to do with what Krishna talks about. They'd mention aspects out of their world, their belief, which would reflect the theme and so on... just distracting.
In short: Ignore the commentary, if there is some!

If you find something you wonder about, maybe share it here and we can wonder about it together?! We could make a thread for that! :D

As for hopes, dreams and other resignations, hahaha, I do think there is an ideal system and we're tumbling through it as we speak. The system is permeating the bullshit phase we're currently experiencing, nothing but a station on the big cycle that apparently has to have us experience weaknesses and strengths and all the degrees in between them. Yet, it's not like we can sit back and enjoy or suffer through the show. That which we realize as important for us to do, that which we do, this is the force the drives us onward through the cycle, from the bad times to the good times and- unfortunately- also from good to bad times and so on... to stay truly awake through all these periods is probably impossible, hahaha, but- I would assume- by design. It's a spiral, after all, which moves forward as a whole, toward some end we may only know when we've arrived. It's also likely that that's not measurable by time, haha, because the arrival will be just yet another beginning of a much, much larger cycle.

What we learn from all this is probably mostly that we have to trust in our practical sense of purpose as our heart suggests to and carries it for us. We all exist, because it had to be so, because it was in the nature of existence to have us in our places. Our great challenge is actually recovering the easiest solution by freeing our hearts from the wrong ideas that have tried and still try to manipulate us away from it. The first step is to find out the pure, untainted truth within us. Not the corrupted desires, nor the dreams of escape. Not that which fixes the mess or supplement happiness. The truth within us spoke through us even before we could speak and it wanted us to learn how it can best apply itself to the needs of the world around us by way of love we can feel. If something makes you do something against your will and you can feel your sense of love suffering, then it's not your truth. Sometimes the things we love doing require activities that are unpleasant or annoying in some way, but we still do them because we know it takes us to the action we do love. A teacher, for example, whose true calling was to be a teacher, has to deal with all kinds of children, including some that are really hard to deal with and they may well be terribly annoying and even bring plenty of heart ache. Yet, getting through to them and delivering the teachings would be a labor of love.
However, somebody who accepted some arbitrary job to just survive and do something they really dislike, they violate their universal practicality. They literally waste their privilege to exist against any actual benefit and suffer for no other reason than to learn for future lifetimes, hahaha. But seriously, it's never too late to search out who you really are, what really is in your heart, even if it takes some guidance to get to the right path, I imagine.
My main markers there are simply:
#1 - It has to serve others!
#2 - You have to feel that you want to do it!
#3 - You do it, even if you know it's very challenging, but not because it is that!

If those main markers are checked, I think, the right track may have revealed itself. :)
Here to help! :D
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Post Thu Feb 23, 2017 9:30 pm

Re: Jim Carrey

Thank you so much for your recipe how to read the book! :beer: Fortunately I have got a book without any comments so nothing should distract me, only my chidren and everlasting lassitude last days. :)
Sorry for my delay with a reply, I have little bit busy days this week, unfortunately no reading so far. I will try to be a patient reader and read all. For example beginning of the book "Sinuhe egyptiläinen" from Mika Waltari is little bit winded but as a result my favorite book.

And yes, we can make a new appropriate thread for that. I am pretty sure that after reading of the book I woud like to discuss it with you! :beer:

I like the way you described our voyage of discovery and I agree with your markers! To find and choose a right way is the key. of happy life.
Maybe I would amend the first marker to: "It has to serve others and me" Everybody should be happy, not only others. :) ..I know what you mean by that, altruism is important and bring feeling of happiness and a sense of fulfillment.. YES!

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