Happy tomorrows days ?

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Post Fri Nov 24, 2017 11:24 am

Happy tomorrows days ?

Is beautiful that please without concept!
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Post Fri Nov 24, 2017 12:41 pm

Re: Happy tomorrows days ?

Wow, the length to which the ruling echelon go to intimidate the growing opposition to the system is quite staggering. The viral video concept has been used well enough already, but now they plant concepts into people's minds that should literally scare them off from sharing their thoughts. The censorship is getting dramatically pathetic, really. :shrug:
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Post Mon Dec 04, 2017 4:51 pm

Re: Happy tomorrows days ?

Scary - but I'm sure that defense is also possible - with EMP e.g.
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Post Mon Dec 04, 2017 7:14 pm

Re: Happy tomorrows days ?

That video is fake.

Reality is, that there are several cyberwar companies already working. With thousands of employees, soldiers.
Russian, and I truly believe all countries interested in, like USA, ISRAEL and a bunch of others for sure, are in this war already active.
These drones are just a tiny little step more into something big and uncontrollable.

What does it mean to have a 100% online government attacked by a cyberarmy? This happened already ten years ago, but sounds to be science fiction:


1. Destroy trust in existing journalism (doesn't mean one should not always judge what you hear)
2. Infiltrating fake news for destabilisation.
3. = escalating conflict.
4. = Send your army to rescue.

We see this all over the world nowadays.
And the first and easiest thing is, to destroy trust in existing democracy systems.
Same time destroy trust in journalism with fake news.
Even though it is pretty easy to do, it is tons more difficult to build up again something like we have i.e. in Germany.

In Russia and I am sure in a lot of other countries there are those called troll fabrics.[url]
https://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/ ... roll-house
Paid people spreading fake news. (Be careful not to confound this vocabulary "fake news" with what one of the biggest trolls on earth in Washington is calling fake new)

People tend to believe alternative news more, than traditional, even though there is nothing proving the truth, no lectorship of those alternative news.
I don't say believe these or that side, but try to proof as much as possible what you hear.
We are under attack, democracy is under attack, but not from IS neither refugees.

And now imagine this upon told scenario with autonomous drones in all sizes, autonomous cars, autonomous surgeon.
Existing democracy has a lot of cons, -hard to understand what's going on, but I know anything been offered nowadays as an alternative is the end of freedom.

Europe's freedom is already partly destroyed as we are already loosing east Europe. Poland is almost gone. Hungary almost gone, Czechia is drifting.
Germany has the AFD in parliament.
Imagine the campaign in Calabria been successful?
There are people really interested in destabilising an wonderful, and powerful idea of a unified Europe.

Beside that, no-one really cares about Panama-papers, Paradise-papers or Cum-Ex deals stealing the German society 60! billion dollars gone forever.
People with more money than countries, what do they do with their power?

It is really time to stand up and fight -but for freedom not against democracy.
These drones are scary, but nothing scares me more than human eager to unlimited power.
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Post Tue Dec 05, 2017 12:02 pm

Re: Happy tomorrows days ?

It's a sad truth but our era seems uncommonly burdened with a disproportionate number of idiots in power. I have arrived at the point that I only watch the news once a week to keep generally informed. :PP
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Post Tue Dec 05, 2017 1:02 pm

Re: Happy tomorrows days ?

These are not idiots!
Would be way to easy.
Trump i.e. is perfectly hiding his real intentions while behaving like an idiot.
Meanwhile people an the press is just talking about his stupid twitter, he already signed over 500 decrets, that will bring him and his friends finally hundreds of billions of dollars.
Taking from the US citizen who voted for him.
And wait, as soon as the conflict about his Russia connection will come to close - we'll have war in North Korea again.

Freedom is not taking over by idiots - these people are unscrupulous.
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Post Wed Dec 06, 2017 7:54 pm

Re: Happy tomorrows days ?

I know we have some germans here - Knacki, Taron, me ... you should watch this cabaret-show from yesterday - this is very very scary ... scary what its going on with elderly care in germany. Sometimes I have really the wish - to leave german :PP because I don't want to get old in Germany. :(


Sad that this is in german language only. The COMEDY tag/heading is out of place - it is not really a comedy.
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Post Sun Dec 10, 2017 11:20 am

Re: Happy tomorrows days ?

Uh, fabulous just how "off topic" this one goes, haha! Most concerning is probably that even here, on my own forum, we are given reasons to be paranoid and have to watch what we're writing. :?
Anyway... :lol: Knacki :lol: ...that video is "not fake", it's a short film meant as "PSA" to warn us about "what might come". Watch it all the way through to see the actual disclaimer at the end! :uhuhuh:
This is what I was referring to; the way they brainwash us even under the guise of hypothesis!

Now what's really interesting to consider is the overall "progression" of society as we believe to know it:
To understand this a bit better, one has to bring to mind a few more things. Such as the tremendous power of human beings. Though it seems like, if you left any group of humans to their own devices, they'd just go about their business; building and maintaining homes, organizing and preparing food, taking care of their health and entertain each other in various ways. It doesn't matter how strong any other animal might be around them, they'd prevail and dominate their territory without fail. If they encounter another group of humans, they may figure out a way to coexist, exchange goods and ideas and so on. Only when cultures clash entirely, things can slip up and sovereignty has to be established, be it by temporary conflict or "more or less permanent" treaty. But then it becomes a larger scale coexistence and still trade will take place of goods and of ideas. That is unless some psychopathic organization becomes hellbent on claiming dominion over all such tribes, wanting to establish rules for the sake of CONTROL over all humans. This is really the keyword: CONTROL.
And there has always been a mixture out of blunt force and superstition to make people surrender their goods, suppress their ideas and sacrifice their freedom, "seemingly" losing their independence. Until money was introduced. Now, money is not a clever medium to trade goods via some established value system. Money is a pure control mechanism. Throughout the ages and even until now, there have been groups of people (countries), who wanted to change this by gradually moving away from global currency and instead at least return to actual material for trade like gold, for example. Those countries have been destroyed, which also includes Germany, by the way, but the Germans don't know this. Why, because we're living in a system of deceit. And it's a brutal and cunning one.
The only idiotic part of it is the denial of their own humanity of those, who "apparently" have something to say and act according to their rules. Something feeds them the idea, that humans were brutal, merciless beasts. Left to their own devices they would destroy everything and each other. But that's the most insanely dumb bullshit anyone could possibly think, really, while it is so easy to find out- and constantly used- that humans are inherently compassionate, driven and moved by love- given the chance- and respect life and freedom above all else, even themselves. Watch a clip of somebody ready to sacrifice his well-being, even his life, to save a little dog from certain death. People, who invest their lives to help others and deal with hardship on a daily basis. And simple things, like how certain songs can make you tear up, because they are sad or they're just too beautiful.
Those people they make us look at to believe those systematic lies are broken by the system, idiots that smash their heads in for kicks and 15 minutes of fame. Assholes, who film clumsy stumbles and the dumbest moments of somebody's life, Jackasses of all sorts. They are created to let us doubt in our own humanity. This allows these mad powers to further make us surrender to their warped control system. And now we are not in the "4th industrial revolution", We are in the Age of Terror. Because that make the "Jackass" approach to let us doubt in humanity actually far more pressing. Now we even have to actively get protection from the "mad humans". First they paint the picture that a certain kind of human being is not to be trusted. Then they gradually alter that picture so that at the end you can't even identify anymore, who might be dangerous...could be anyone. Then they shuffle the deck of ethnicity, pushing the group they declared as most dangerous right into the group that's meant to be scared, but tell them to be very calm. Kind of like in a slaughterhouse before it became mechanized, which is yet another interesting thing to consider. Anyway, this allows the concept of security to become something so ever-present that people begin to accept the idea that one might want that all the time, everywhere. And because you can't anymore easily profile any dangerous human, identification would have to be more permanent and it comes with "such great conveniences". Money drifts into complete abstraction, but also loses its original power, which then is traded for a very different kind of control system. That's why "universal basic income" is gradually being introduced. It won't soon matter anymore, how you come to your "numbers" (money), but it matters what you do with it, which is strictly monitored. You will still face certain pressures to do this or that, but the majority of slave-labor will finally be performed by artificial work force. 3D printing will play a tremendous role and there's no telling how far this may go. How soon before we can do molecular printing, ultimately arriving at Star Trek's "replicators", hehe?! But that's just some fun thoughts on the side. Point is, the CONTROL system changes.
The theater of world-politics is staged to make this happen. Few may still try to fight it, but they'll be squashed like all those before them, until mankind somehow, for some reason, wakes up and just stops it. After all, we are humans, beings with tremendous power. A great deal of our apparent dependency is a lie, including food and health, but it will take a great length of time before we win back this understanding on a great enough scale. Hard to imagine any one of us might live to see the day, haha. :shrug:
Most people are lost in the details, struggling through their own derailed lives...or rather "railed" lives...because they sense, they're not meant to be on these specific rails. We tend to believe the lies, because it's just too exhausting to abandon our given picture of the world, to distrust all that we know and all that we get to see and hear. Our entire faith is disguised as "knowledge" and we can't withdraw from this investment, because we have indeed invested in it for all our life. So easily we declare those, who oppose this "belief", as crackpots. And, guess what, the media is ready to help their in any way they can. Everyone, who believes in conspiracy is a nutcase and likely off his "medication". Most likely they're dangerous, too, so watch out! How many shows have you seen lately, where this has been a theme? Have you seen that on the news already? Which way was that message delivered to you?
And then there's the grant infiltration...well...nothing is easier than that, actually. Online videos that showcase speeches of perfidious impostors, making ridiculous claims (Flat Earth, c'mon!), all somehow linking into each other over one topic or another, putting your mind through a meat-grinder. Nobody left, who you can trust. Actually, you're just beginning to see that you can't even trust what you carry in your own mind. THAT IS unless you begin to really make sense of things the best way you can. Use your own actual experience, analogy and reason, but above all, recognize your own sensations, do not deny what you feel and identify yourself for how you truly are. Because that's what a human being is. There is a common core, which is ordinarily in all of us, with few and rare exceptions. When it reads above the entrance to the oracle of Delphi: "Know thyself...", it is meant to remind you that you are a universal reference. You only begin to believe lies, when you deny your own truth and ignore yourself. There are no facts out there that matter more to you than what you actually experience "against yourself". What does the outside world do to you? How do you navigate through the world around you? What "understanding" have you been given, to do what you are doing in every detail?

Anyway...it's not something you just hear and suddenly you're liberated or something like that, hahaha. From my own experience, it took me virtually decades to shake off some dreadful nonsense, see through the bits that make sense and ready myself for more and more pieces of information that contradict what I've been taught by the "authorities". So...just know it takes time and willingness to gain more and more of a useful perspective and- what I call- emotional understanding. And that starts inside you for yourself.
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Post Sun Dec 10, 2017 3:04 pm

Re: Happy tomorrows days ?

The video is not a real presentation, it is fake to show what might come up - well it is fake ;)

As much, as I would love to see your vision coming true, taron, it will be daydreaming for a bunch of centuries.
Reality and mankind is different.

As much, as they are willing to risk their life for a dog, they are also willing to murder for the dogs life.
What you see, is a society that doesn't exist, the kind of humans do not exist or are very rare to make your visions real.
It needs just one to destroy a beautiful party and as much I know European society, there will be one, more likely in other societies where you still decide if you go to the market or execution on Saturday.
All your wonderful vision is destroyed if there is one person less singing before a Christmas tree than the year before and it is very, very easy to influence people to murder. Easier than ever. Doesn't matter which religion, color whatever.
And now imagine this world with a population of over 10 billion people in 2050. Rare drinking water, pollution everywhere, rare food for the masses.
In fact, we already have around 60 "slaves" to keep our life standard in Europe.

That's all I wanted to say beside the fact that people longing for power and wanting to control others aren't mostly sensitive artists.
Well maybe Nero :roll:
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Post Sun Dec 10, 2017 4:32 pm

Re: Happy tomorrows days ?

Hahaha, man, THE VIDEO IS FICTION, not "fake"! (It's like saying: "Batman is fake")
There's a distinct difference, which you are not meant to make in your mind! That's the evil thing about it!

Boy, oh, boy, you are very sold on all this stuff (overpopulation and pollution and possibly global warming (haha)). I know, it's a really challenging task to shake off that stuff and you may have to wait until it's being shaken off for you. Ain't no such thing as overpopulation! Rare drinking water, hahaha, better still, and I am not kidding you, they also say: "WE RUN OUT OF SAND!". Yep, you've read this right, sand! Also, we're dodging doomsday asteroids and meteorites and all the world's super volcano will erupt sometime soon. And, oh yes, bird flu and other terrible viruses will force us to decimate all livestock and pandemics are the other makers of the apocalypse, waiting to happen.

The people, who want power, are the best slaves, by the way! Those you might want to fear, but they are just the middlemen to the madness. I don't think we'll ever get to see, who really is in charge, though, we may find out to what end...maybe, maybe.
So, you do think, you know mankind? Where from? The news? The party with the party-pooper? Your "history" books?
Try a super simple observation, nothing difficult. How do you feel, when you see a really heart-wrenching video? Can you empathize? Do you think, such a video gets millions of likes, because millions of sensitive artists just had to press the thumbs up button?
Sure, seems like a pretty thin thread to hang on to believing in mankind, haha, but it's a massively ignored one, when people think about "the masses" and how crude and dumb they'd be. But you're not the masses, oh no, you're somebody completely different. Well, as it happens, I do think that about you, because you are pretty exceptional in my books, hehe, so that's...eh... not a good point. Anyway, seems like it's incredibly easy not to believe in mankind. Especially nowadays. But we live in a world of media, we believe in what we're being shown and told, thinking this would be reality. It's getting weaker and weaker, no matter how hard they try. But, wowsa, they're really, really good at it, too. Think-tanks have worked tirelessly over centuries to get us to where we are now. How they get people to work this out is, I imagine, by some curious ideals. But those people, who work there, they must've been brought up in this broken world to accept and believe such ideals. How many of them do truly believe they are fighting the good fight? :shrug:

Anyhow, please, allow me to advice you not to believe everything the "authorities" tell you, especially when it's about other cultures. And then do not extrapolate that which you cannot know to all of humanity and make it a case against them. That's exactly what you are being asked to do and, oh, have they succeeded, when I read your post. Know Thyself! Sure, we are in a tough spot as artists, because we deal with the world around us differently, we want much less from it and observe much more closely, wanting it to affect us, consciously or otherwise. It's easy to find out that we don't exactly represent the norm. That makes it 10 times as hard for us to assume we could use ourselves as example. But, again, consider what is being used as tools to get through to people! Empathy and compassion are the #1 tools, more than survival, more than comfort/convenience, more than even sex (Uuhh :shock: ). How did you get to believe that people in Europe were happily embracing "refugees" from war-torn countries? Well... 5 pages about a poor boy, who lost his entire family in a bombing and his heroic aunt, who brought him across half a world to finally reach freedom and security in a totally foreign society, something he may never feel again. All the misery in the world, oh, it has never been that bad. Or has it? Hmmm...
So, yeah, empathy and compassion that people have is being used against them and those people are very, very normal people. How long before they really catch on to it? Hmmm...
And what the hell do you know about Nero? :? :hihi:

Have a wee bit of faith, Knacki! See, if you catch on to what I'm saying, you'll already know that I'm not the only one! 8-)
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