I confess that I cheated a lot

, because it is 90% photo and ***toshop work (based on a picture of mine of this plastic smurf figurine - schtroumpf in french - that looks like me when i'm angry according to my girl friend) and only 10% verve, but I liked so much the final Verve touch that I had to post it !
If you are interested, the ***toshop part was made as per this excellent tutorial by Jessie Hockett a.k.a. GoaliGrlTilDeath in dA:
http://goaligrltildeath.deviantart.com/ ... -302925823And for the Verve part:
- Set a white background in the bottom layer
- Imported the cyan-only PNG in a new layer, set BUILD UP at 0% and did some brush strokes in same cyan to spread ink a little bit
- Imported the magenta-only PNG in another layer, BUILD UP at 0% and did some brush strokes in same magenta to spread ink a little bit
- Set magenta layer in Multiply mode to allow substractive mixing (hence the areas in deep blue)
- Imported the black-only PNG in the top layer, BUILD UP at 0% and did some brush strokes in black to spread ink a little bit

Oh, and i forgot the Yellow layer that is featured in the classical CMYK screen printing, but it would not add much here given the initial colors.
Edited : CMY substractive color mixing in Verve, using layers in "multiply" mode: