What does the future hold for mankind...digitally and beyond

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Post Thu Jun 21, 2018 8:32 pm

What does the future hold for mankind...digitally and beyond

Is beautiful that please without concept!
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Post Thu Jun 21, 2018 8:49 pm

Re:What does the future hold for mankind...digitally and bey

Yeah, I thought about it already, too. With the proper machine behind it and clever "boundaries", it could very well be a possibility. But the VR stuff really isn't quite where they portrait it to be. It's not there, yet. Also, I'm not 100% whether I want to really support this for the sake of our sanity as humans, you know. It's a weird step to take and unclear, if it really allows us to move forward, or to move- essentially- out of the picture of reality. We haven't mastered reality, yet. How would it benefit us to escape it early? But all of this is really more an off-topic conversation.
Thanks, though, Pilou! c:!
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Post Thu Jun 21, 2018 10:43 pm

Re: What does the future hold...digitally and beyond

Not there.
Even this old disney fart is not able to do decent line work with it.

But this will take just months until there is smoothing as well. Etc. etc. etc.

Inventions, as long as they are not disturbing the business of the very rich, will rise quickly, no matter if humans are prepared for that or not.
This VR thing with glasses is not the big step, more like one of the first computers, but other will follow.

I had a key moment in my life. It was a video about a French 3D convention, long, long time ago.
They made Humbrey Bogart in 3D.
Triangulated, stylized not really very well recognizable.
The interviewer asked the French artist for what reason they try to reproduce the human face digitally.
She said, that it would come in handy for a president who have to speak in TV and be at the same time somewhere else, that his Avatar could held the speech....

I asked myself.."WTF? What the hell would that be useful for, instead of crime.
Since then, I don't want to know how many digital Avatars I have seen in TV without knowing.

Same with mobile telephones. In the early days, these things were monstrous, sometimes even dangerous and when they came up I thought:
"WTF! What can this be useful for, instead of distracting you from doing things you really wanna do."
In just two decades, the mobile and later smartphone the dominating thing in a lot of peoples daytime, leaving TV far behind, which I never thought, that this would change some day.

But those VR glasses, as we know them today. are not the product which will boom like smartphones. But once there will be something like contact lenses, holograms whatever, and no one will be able to stop it.
Ethic, moral is less and less asked.

I am a bit depressed today, but I really don't see a shiny future of mankind.

I hope, I am wrong.

Oh - I am sorry. I didn't realize that we are in the suggestions area.
Sorry for my spam.
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Post Fri Jun 22, 2018 6:48 am

Re: What does the future hold...digitally and beyond

About Verve in 3D, not obliged to have the side VR! :) (headaches - Downfall , plunge slump !)

Only classical screen with a graphic pen is sufficient and more safe for old people! :beer:
Is beautiful that please without concept!
http://moiscript.weebly.com/ https://schmoll8.wixsite.com/magicavox
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Post Fri Jun 22, 2018 7:29 am

What does the future hold...digitally and beyond

Here's a nice place for us to rant and lament... :ugeek: ...and possibly dream a little. :ud:
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Post Fri Jun 22, 2018 7:48 am

Re: What does the future hold for mankind...digitally and be

Knacki, I'm with you on these things, as you can easily imagine by now. I'm mostly concerned about how we trade in our humanity for some periphery, so to say. We are still in an inherently satanistic system, though, most people have no idea that this is what they consent to everyday. It's not a religious concern, as all religion really only attempts to bind mankind's free will, directly opposing the scriptures they pretend to worship by. The very word is clue enough, as "re-ligion" means to re-bind, rather than re-connect. Thus it appears to be a very conscious effort to remove people from reality. Not to offer them another, even more immersive world, but to ensure total dependency and ultimately the removal of human will from- "what matters"- matter itself or the interaction with it, actually creating something.
In terms of art, well, I'm not really so concerned in terms of creation, because art is something that is as valuable, regardless the medium, whether on the computer or on actual canvas, if you asked me, because its content feeds into our memory really the same. Art, especially painting, provides image based idea and sensation, adding a memory in a form, completed by the spectator. Because you as a spectator will have to translate what you see beyond what is actually there. The moment you go 3d or sculpture, you remove one part of the translation process, but still leave enough room for the spectator's mind to become active and transforming. But the moment you go animation, you may already suspend a spectator's personalizing process and with a fully virtual world, art and its true power may get totally lost, simply because the spectator may end up completely passive in the process of understanding. They are just being fed. Propaganda as it is is terrible enough, but then... hmmm... darker the times couldn't get.

It will be interesting to find the right path into the future without losing the individual powers within humanity. Everyone of us is given a chance to execute a mission of our own choice, and it's never arbitrary. Each of us knew at the time, why we would come to Earth and face the challenges of our choosing and those that we face at all our crossroads. The more we all become conscious of that, the less we need to worry about some institutions leading us astray and into a wilderness we weren't prepared for.

On Free Will
I shouldn't throw around concepts like "free will" without clarifying my idea of what this means. Most people, who talk about free will, think of it as a gift, but it really is not. It is the challenge we face as the part of the universal process we represent. To clarify this even more, I also believe I should mention my understanding of "universal, unconditional love". This is sort of the glue that connects everything, the sense of being whole, which overcomes us, when we leave our body and reconnect with the source consciousness we are part of. We can feel this love, when we find belonging, for example. It is the most fundamentally familiar sensation we have, yet, it's not easily attainable for everybody on earth, because we are here on individual missions, even as these missions are for the whole again. This trait of ours is being taken advantage of by organizations, such as churches, for example. It would be perfectly fine, if a church were to simply remind us of the whole we ultimately are and would support our individual efforts for what they are, rather than asking for submission to any earthly authority. If a church were to remind us of universal laws, which are simple, direct and offer no loopholes, it would truly be of service, but instead it breaks them the moment it causes separation, claims distinction and judges based on its own ideas of law, which contradict universal law more often than not.
Free Will means that you must make your own decisions, driven by contemplation and understanding, rather than by basic instincts. Following basic instincts is a trait, perfectly fine for all creatures before our human stage, because those beings, guided by a given, collective will, create and uphold the framework upon which we operate. Despite the general hubris found among mankind, that humanity could function outside of this reality and without the need for spirit/nature, if it was on some sort of life-support, we are not equipped, nor meant to be, for such isolated form of existence. All life "evolves" together and we find our connection to the universal process- and the needs that arise with it- via the various forms of life that are still bound to the source spirit without the confusion of choice, so to say. Hmmmm, I know this is a kind of complicated train of thoughts. The real complication, though, is not so much the thoughts themselves, but the challenge to deliver them against all the conditioning we've had to experience. As soon as we hear "soul" or "spirit" (which is actually the original meaning of the word "nature"), part of us zones out and thinks "mambo jumbo", unable to grasp what is really meant by it or that it has anything to do with our "hard reality", haha. Unless you've had an out of body experience or a near death experience, you may never truly understand the real, fundamental components of our existence. All you need is one conscious moment away from your physical body and you will know a bit more of what "soul" means. You still may not know or understand the deeper connections or the construct and process you are part of, why you are an individual and what you are beyond it (or beneath it for that matter). Anyhow, free will is a challenge, not a gift. It is a fundamental need so that we can learn and function beyond prior definition, actually create/define on our own how things will continue to develop in the universe. The concept of "local" is only needed for the execution of our task, not for the ultimate meaning of essence of what we create. This is where materialists, atheists and other solipsists get lost, because they equate physical scale as measure for effect and meaning, not knowing that procedure is the true giver of form and existence.
Ah well...just some extra thoughts.
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Post Fri Jun 22, 2018 3:01 pm

Re: What does the future hold for mankind...digitally and be

I wrote so much about the flood of influence, the "digital revolution" has brought us.
About constructive journalism as a chance to get not lost in a world of fear constructed by companies wanting us to spent as much time as possible on their side.

All lost as I didn't copy before pressing submit.

Anyway it is very nice to read your words, taron. Something positive, full of hope and visions.
You are a believer in mankind.

Something getting more and more rare in said and written words.
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Post Fri Jun 22, 2018 3:35 pm

Re: What does the future hold for mankind...digitally and be

Awwww, danged, I'm sorry, Knacki! :( :tantrum:
Well, yeah, hm, it's actually more of a kind of faith... but a weird one at that. I don't know, if I can find the right words to explain it. I actually find myself silly to even say this, because it's like...hmm... imagine a skydiver, saying he believes he jumped out of a plan and believes he will reach the ground sometime soon. He sort of knows where he is and what he's doing, but along the way all references were taken way from him regarding planes and regarding the ground, you know, hahahaha.
So, yeah, it's a kind of faith, but really more in the logic I deduce and not some lofty kind of hope. I see logic in spirit and wished I could equate its position in the process to a known process, but nearly all of it is in the realm of abstract understanding and observation. No hard proof, no clear definitions, really...but possibly some decent analogies to make sense of how it all works.
Is mankind in a state of utter confusion right now? Oh, hell yes, for probably thousands of years, but right now for sure! But I see the cycles, too, the tiny ones, the small ones, the regular sized ones, the big ones and the massive cycles, they all make sense. Even if you can't see a start, you can consider a direction and then you can deduce that if something moves there in cycles, the cycle has to go forward into that direction and backwards again towards its origin. Apply that to the idea of the process of creating something, you could see that the first part (half) of the motion going into the direction of the chosen creation and the second part returns back towards the origin, not creating anything new during this section. And everything in the universe goes more or less in cycles. There are tiny cycles, like our heart beating, for example. It pumps to provide motion within our body, supplying it with oxygen, nutrients and so on, creating a new moment. When it recovers from a beat, it pulls back all that was used up, cleans house so to say and even before it is done with it, we secretly panic without knowing it, because we really want that next beat to start. Then there are the massive cycles, mankind going through the focus of creation and then recovering or reverting back toward the origin, the maintenance mode. This mode manifests first as a welcome change until it eventually becomes unbearable, becomes virtually destructive and all of us, who are creative, begin to panic. This is where we find ourselves in the remainder of the current massive cycle. But it is our panicking, our growing desire to turn things around again, which eventually will lead to the cycle moving forward again. And thus existence spirals forward within itself. It is our task, though, and not to be underestimated. We can't lean back and rely on some magical force to bring things around again. We ARE that magical force. We act in its spirit, well, are that spirit. Important is to find that faith, keep that faith and understand that massive cycles just take time and we must rely on our desired task, because therein lies our purpose. No need to go crazy about the things you cannot control, for you must not control those either! It's all about the things you can and must control, because you actually want to, too! :hyper: 8-)
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Post Fri Jun 22, 2018 8:38 pm

Re: What does the future hold for mankind...digitally and be

Not that serious:
But for an interesting an entertaining science fiction I can recommand "Hologrammatica" from Tom Hillenbrand.

Probably still only available in German.
Some freaky and some frightening ideas.
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