Happines and habits of happiness

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Post Mon Jul 20, 2015 1:13 pm

Happines and habits of happiness

I was going to mention a link below in the "clutter pantry" section. Maybe better place is here..

Matthieu Ricard - interesting man, interesting speech:
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Post Mon Jul 20, 2015 5:09 pm

Re: Happines and habits of happiness

The French dalaï-lama! ;)
Is beautiful that please without concept!
http://moiscript.weebly.com/ https://schmoll8.wixsite.com/magicavox
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Post Mon Jul 20, 2015 6:09 pm

Re: Happines and habits of happiness

Uh, that gets mildly on my nerves, but maybe some people need to listen to this, I don't know!?
He does make a decent comedian, though. However, the useless approach to seek inner happiness, when outside everything turns to crap is no solution, nor a good idea what so ever.

Our society, maybe even what we call our "civilization", is pressing itself into fabricated molds, forcing people to work consciously for themselves, for rewards, doing shit they should've never had to do, living in schedules that should never apply to them, getting punished for things their misery makes them do and numbing themselves with the lies of entertainment. Constant brainwashing makes it appear as though the world has to be that way and had been that way ever since we've managed to outlive a wild boar or the likes. <<"Because, before we had police enforcing the laws that keep us from harming each other, because humans are born to hate and harm each other, we only lived to 18 and 30 was a very old age">> (idiotic bullshit, of course) :roll:
So, anyhow, so we live in this manufactured life-style, deprived of true purpose, deprived of access to sincere fulfillment and an understanding of what could possibly motivate us to get there. We do not learn that we exist for each other, to function as a community and offer our powers and understanding with the logical expectation to being offered the power of understanding of the other. Instead, we are starved, torn away from any true chance to experience a real sense of function and with it a real and sustained sense of happiness along the way. But happiness is like the least relevant side effect, no matter how pervading it actually may become, hehe. It's never the goal, never the desire and its purpose is not within us, but for those others, who may recognize that one has found happiness, which means this person has found his purpose.
So...happiness, like laughter, like crying or any expressive emotion is an indicator for others that one is ready to serve as an example. More or less like the "check" on a list of "things to do". Happiness is only that "check", not the thing to do, and you didn't do that thing for the "check" mark.
Anyway... I might finish listening to him, but it just is a bit difficult for me, pff...danged. :P

Thanks anyway, of course! And he truly has some funny moments already! :)
Here to help! :D
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Post Tue Jul 21, 2015 3:46 pm

Re: Happines and habits of happiness

Here is the talk that really got me inspired. It presents a very simple recipe for being happy by being grateful: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UtBsl3j0YRQ
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Post Tue Jul 21, 2015 11:21 pm

Re: Happines and habits of happiness

Is beautiful that please without concept!
http://moiscript.weebly.com/ https://schmoll8.wixsite.com/magicavox
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Post Wed Jul 22, 2015 11:47 am

Re: Happines and habits of happiness

Hey Veji, being grateful as a vehicle to a great sense of joy is something I noticed many years ago, when I suddenly was utterly impressed by a preserved scorpion kind I was given as a birthday gift some time before then. I somehow decided to look at it more carefully and it struck me just how stunningly brilliant and complex life has formed and the many marvels it has already created in such astounding details and concepts that far exceed our imagination. Something we would readily call perfection, if we were to grasp the depth of its composition. And suddenly I felt so eerily grateful for it all, for being part of it, for driving such a marvel myself in form of my body, but my attention was totally dedicated to this creature in my hands. (...let's ignore the slight morbidity of it all, of course, it being a dead thing in a glass box!)
Anyhow, this deep sense of appreciation gave me a tremendous high of happiness.
Here to help! :D
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Post Thu Oct 19, 2017 10:50 pm

Re: Happines and habits of happiness

I strongly believe that happiness is a choice.
I want to share this article that I found on the internet.
Hope this makes you feel happy too: https://ponbee.com/happy-life/

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Post Mon Jul 30, 2018 9:20 am

Re: Happines and habits of happiness

The purpose of each of us to fight every day is to have a happy life.
But why there are still so many people unhappy every day?
Believe it or not, to have a happy life is a skill.

Look at these summaries of the wisdom that have experienced generations of people, you will understand deeply about happy: https://www.anquotes.com/life-is-beautiful-quotes/
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Post Mon Jul 30, 2018 10:10 am

Re: Happines and habits of happiness

Hi miumiu, that's very sweet. It's all to easy, though, to mistake happiness for the goal, because it is but a side-effect of you finding and pursuing your true will. The virtues of will are very different for each of us, as each of us has set out to function in a fairly specific way for different reasons. Too many of us feel confined to one life, not realizing that we are truly eternal beyond each physical incarnation. Each of our incarnations has us serve a purpose beyond ourselves, while each also comes with lessons to make us understand more and more. Some of our experiences require more than one lifetime to digest, but there's no limit to the number of lifetimes we choose to have on Earth, for example. Thus, there's no reason to be afraid to spend a lifetime, trying to understand something within you, knowing that one day you will find yourself functioning again the way you always wanted to.
This process can bring plenty of grief, but so does the pursuit of your will as well. Yet, this grief does not exclude happiness at all. If, however, you accidentally chase after happiness by looking at others and what makes them happy, you will only waste time.
Now... where do you really find your will? Well, it does take a bit of faith, actually, before you actually begin to know it. There's a kind of energy that makes your heart beat. What you want to perceive is not really inside your heart, but radiates around it. It's a kind of joy that gives "yes" answers, when ever you actually do something you really want to. It's similar to falling in love, but it can swell gradually, the closer you get to your true will. The energy it provides to you will sustain you through frustrations of failure and exhaustion from challenges, but it will reward you almost before your actually succeed and most definitely along the way. It will give you the strength to get through the hardest times and if you listen carefully, it will also guide you properly. In the beginning it takes faith to believe that your heart may be right, even if your mind, which is but a tool, seems to tell you otherwise. Even with the mind being "just" a tool, it continues to be the second most important tool you have, so don't misunderstand me there. But the mind must not take the reign, because it does not contain your will. You mind can not show you the way. It can get you to and along your way, but the direction you can only ever get from your heart!
The mind is a curious thing, though. As vital as it is for you to properly function, it is also the singular source of confusion that can stop you in your tracks and even send you down the wrong path. Your mind is schooled on Earth, while your heart is your communication device with your eternal self, schooled beyond the physical world.
I find that the most powerful way to find happiness, if you are not yet fully connected and in faith to your heart, is to learn and understand your actual, complete being. If you are stuck in pure materialism and you are not happy, you have not yet made use of your courage to break free from society's teachings. But you have to, if you wish to really explore how you may function best, even within society. You literally have to rise beyond the mold into which you were driven and pressed by your education, media, your parents, your friends, the world around you, you have to rise above it, know that you and only you can make the decisions for your life, for every single thing you do, and recognize the chance and might that is given to you. Once you are hovering above it all, you can observe, look around and begin understanding that it's all your choice, but you shall choose according to your will outside of "desire". This is a weird one, I know. But, hey, I'm writing now, so... no obligation to read it all, of course.
Look at the different compartments of our decision-making process:
Highest = Soul (communication device is the heart)
Secondary = Mind (communication device is the brain)
Lowest = Desire (communication device are the senses, stimulation, lower body)

The highest will show you your goal. The secondary will get you there. The lowest will sustain you and provide information about the physical world along your way.
If you treat everything properly and follow this understanding, you will experience happiness great many times and on the deepest possible levels.

Above all else, though, develop your own understanding! Use your mind! Do not get lost in somebody else's words! If you find something worth thinking about, well, think about it and don't worry about remembering the words! It is all about your own understanding and it can be a very long, long journey before you even begin to really embrace a greater truth and then another big journey to begin to understand it. It's that second part that I am on and there are likely even aspects of the first part that I have yet to discover, but it does almost seem like this journey never ends, haha.

Oh, and don't confuse what I'm saying with the perversion of it found in satanic phrases, who hijack the real value and meaning of will!
Here to help! :D
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