An another inspiration machine!

Philosophy, Politics, Humor, what ever should have its own place far, far away from galleries and feedback... here we can go for it almost shamelessly! :)

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Post Mon Jun 20, 2022 12:25 pm

Re: An another inspiration machine!

Very similar, you should take a look also to .. it creates even photorealistic faces of non existing person, you can mix maybe a face from Arnold Schwarzenegger and Luis De Funes if you like - or a uploaded portrait from your face with Marylin Monroe (you can also toggle age and gender) ...
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my youtube channel: zeropainter - ok, there are only 2-3 very short videos
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Post Mon Jun 20, 2022 2:21 pm

Re: An another inspiration machine!

Art Breeder Ah yes ...i believe 5 free images by month... ;)
Is beautiful that please without concept!
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Post Sun Jun 26, 2022 12:19 am

Re: An another inspiration machine!

About Midjourney! Just in case it can help someone who hasn't got this monster working yet! Having been knighted after 15 days, others manage to do it in 1 day but here I am in a Discord message with my name (Pilou) in a section dedicated to newbies-21. I enter my syntactically good prose like /imagine Leonardo on bicycle and wait baba my 4 images delivered by the Bot god! Well, I'm still waiting!

Nobody says anywhere, in any video or tutorial, that you have to start in this section from an empty message and not from the one that welcomes you! And there it goes Raoul! Exhausted by these attempts to write to the Bot in desperation, browse tons of videos, various and rotten tutorials etc... I finally launched the infernal machine! Tapping all the buttons and getting a Leonard on a bike! The picture is even signed! We don't stop progress!

Is beautiful that please without concept!
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Post Sun Jun 26, 2022 4:46 pm

Re: An another inspiration machine!

Landscape : Moebieus Caza Druillet (very famous French comics makers! ;)
Sweet result (when i will know in deepth what is the use of each button! :)

Is beautiful that please without concept!
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Post Sun Jun 26, 2022 6:34 pm

Re: An another inspiration machine!

Ernst Haeckel planets :)

Is beautiful that please without concept!
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Post Tue Jun 28, 2022 3:50 pm

Re: An another inspiration machine!

A another one! ;) but this one seems free !
Craiyon, formerly DALL-E mini

My speedy try! c:!

Is beautiful that please without concept!
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Post Wed Jun 29, 2022 9:00 am

Re: An another inspiration machine!

Ahh god to know. Thanks Pilou.
Dall-E 2 is frightening me to death.
The results I saw are out of this world, in a quality 90% of artists will have serious issues to follow up.
Even though I am with taron saying a human soul isn't replaceable, Dall-E 2 will be a creative revolution with thousands and thousands of dead buisness models.
Hundred of thousand people loosing their income.

While Midjourney is delivering already super cool results, Dall-E 2 just do it way more better. The last portion, what one may have hoped to leave place for creatives.

Sure it is a chance as well and I am on the waiting list for Dall E 2.

I skipped the intro of that video to come directly to the main part.
Watch at 8:00 when he is using one of his photo and AI is genereating variations :shock:

On Instagram there are so many examples wich are so scaringly good.

From photorealistic to "a family skiing on mount fuji in edo style art" it is .....oh dear.

And this is just the beginning.
Well AI works like most brains at the beginning of an creative process.
Using references to build up a new picture. But now you have access to billions of pictures - in seconds.

Same process could be for finding the most effective Solar energy system - if each company would share their knowledge components and test results, AI would choose a highly efficient combination with less recources possbile to build.

But this won't happen that soon, as sharing is getting out of vogue in a world with societies drifting away instead of coming closer to get the real problems solved.

I want an AI where I can tape in: "Stop war and hunger on earth and give us a future without climate change and species distingushing every minute"
But I am super scared about the result.

Hologramatica from Tom Hillendbrand is a book playing somewhere in near future. (more a crime story, but the science fiction visions are very interesting)
Climate change is over it's peak due to some changes a super computer did - and now - super computer are forbidden world wide.

The super computer just sterillized half of human population.
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Post Wed Jun 29, 2022 12:50 pm

Re: An another inspiration machine!

Nice to hear from you again, Knacki! :beer:
Craiyon AI looks very good but as every AI it has its own limits. I tried "Prague lake wood" and the result is not I expected. :-) But then I tried "tower beksinski" and some magic happened!
Yes, we are living in exciting time now, for sure!
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Post Wed Jun 29, 2022 1:21 pm

Re: An another inspiration machine!

Hehehehehehe, Knacki. I really am trying to keep certain topics away from this forum, especially anything like contemporary propaganda. Yes, that has to be followed by a "but" for sure! :hihi:
BUT if you wanted to end scarcity, wars, mass murder, and everything else that comes from corruption, you'd first have to end the very system that inspires you to say these things. ;)
I do sense a reason behind all the absurdities we are made to face for a long time already, but now more than ever, I assume. I have nothing to really argue against them, because everything follows a concept of progress toward perfection, even if it means something as dramatic as lying to all of mankind and making it suffer in complete ignorance. All I know to do is to follow the ideals of mine I can share with all of you and hope to inspire you to do the same. For this is the ultimate way to move towards perfection and with it the distant hope of immortal harmony.

In the meantime, it's difficult to imagine that A.I. won't exterminate most of the "service art" world out there. It will. But only for a time. While it will be here to stay, it will eventually create a truly creative vacuum, which then will get filled with real human creativity again. There's a good chance that it will filter out many aspiring artists and only those with absolute calling may remain. That may actually be a good thing, too. But only, if people in general will resume to appreciate real life craftsmanship again and pick up original professions that are in danger of dying out and really shouldn't ever! Such as real carpenters, bakers, inventors of all kind, tailors all the sort of stuff that could bring out local ideals, qualities that belong to a region, may even reflect traditions and/or produce new traditions. We need a human reality, a soul sharing reality, weaving the unfathomable variety of perspectives creation has to offer with ever single one of us. And we do that with what we actually manifest. Not just stuff to augment an otherwise deteriorating life. Life has to be picked up from the ground again and saturated with our wisdom in every way and in every step.
Here to help! :D
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Post Wed Jun 29, 2022 3:11 pm

Re: An another inspiration machine!

@Knaki following not very optimistic! The true dangerous IA! :shock:

@ Taron ...the old wise man! ;)

A another one not so easy! : )
Is beautiful that please without concept!
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