Ahh god to know. Thanks Pilou.
Dall-E 2 is frightening me to death.
The results I saw are out of this world, in a quality 90% of artists will have serious issues to follow up.
Even though I am with taron saying a human soul isn't replaceable, Dall-E 2 will be a creative revolution with thousands and thousands of dead buisness models.
Hundred of thousand people loosing their income.
While Midjourney is delivering already super cool results, Dall-E 2 just do it way more better. The last portion, what one may have hoped to leave place for creatives.
Sure it is a chance as well and I am on the waiting list for Dall E 2.
I skipped the intro of that video to come directly to the main part.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fuDbpn8aZr8?t=120Watch at 8:00 when he is using one of his photo and AI is genereating variations
On Instagram there are so many examples wich are so scaringly good.
From photorealistic to "a family skiing on mount fuji in edo style art" it is .....oh dear.
And this is just the beginning.
Well AI works like most brains at the beginning of an creative process.
Using references to build up a new picture. But now you have access to billions of pictures - in seconds.
Same process could be for finding the most effective Solar energy system - if each company would share their knowledge components and test results, AI would choose a highly efficient combination with less recources possbile to build.
But this won't happen that soon, as sharing is getting out of vogue in a world with societies drifting away instead of coming closer to get the real problems solved.
I want an AI where I can tape in: "Stop war and hunger on earth and give us a future without climate change and species distingushing every minute"
But I am super scared about the result.
Hologramatica from Tom Hillendbrand is a book playing somewhere in near future. (more a crime story, but the science fiction visions are very interesting)
Climate change is over it's peak due to some changes a super computer did - and now - super computer are forbidden world wide.
The super computer just sterillized half of human population.