Interactions with Opentoonz

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Post Tue Aug 01, 2017 11:00 am

Interactions with Opentoonz

My name is Agnyy Ignatyev, I am coordinating Morevna Edition of OpenToonz animation software ( It is free and opensource tool. The original OpenToonz software was many years used on Ghibli animation studio. Our development team is more user-friendly. For example we implemented horizontal timeline mode, and integrated it with MyPaint brushes engine. Can I ask you to help us and share the code of your program. We want to put your program in the Opentoonz, this will allow us to diversify the program. And new users will get to know your work and more people will learn about your program. We are putting a lot of effort into Opentoonz and I believe that our cooperation can be of use to all of us.
Thank you! :ob
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Post Wed Aug 02, 2017 1:25 pm

Re: Interactions with Opentoonz

Hi Agnyy,

I hope, you don't mind that I've moved the topic into the Community threads!? Feels like a better place for it. :geek:
Yes, I will most certainly have a closer look at OpenToonz and see, if I can contribute something to it. I will have to get a feeling for what you have already to see what I might be able to share with you. Since I'm still dreaming of making a commercial version of Verve, what ever this may look like, I'm a little hesitant to go open source with all of it, you know. But there are certain aspects that I'm absolutely happy to share.
Another part of the complication is that Verve currently is still BlitzMax code, besides the openGL GLSL portions, of course. But I am still planning on going C++ with it. That means, much of the existing code probably would not do you any good as it is anyway. But that's just a side note.

HOWEVER: THANK YOU VERY MUCH for your very kind request, which I consider a great honor and feel very flattered. I wished, I was in a stronger position already, so I could simply dedicate myself to your project, because I love the spirit of it very much. There are simply some fundamental answers I still need to formulate to resume making a living. I really want those answers to include Verve in a central position.
Here to help! :D
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