The Future

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Joined: Fri Apr 25, 2014 7:01 am

Post Sat Apr 26, 2014 5:06 am

The Future

Just thought I'd start off a little gallery of musings, scribblings and so forth. I'm not used to showing anything I do to people really. Taron has inspired me to be a little more open and sharing! I hope that I can learn from all of you guys to be a better painter, and I hope one day to be able to say I inspired someone else!

Side note: I just re-discovered that fact that you don't/shouldn't have to press down on a wacom pen like a silverback gorilla. I think Verve's unique sensitivity to pressure input helped me re-learn that one! You really do have to just lightly brush the surface for input to register, it is just sometimes the brush settings may be fighting you (e.g you have very low opacity set with a pressure sensitive brush). I think I have been fighting this a little of late! . Oh, Taron if you happen to stop by. My new found awareness for the gentle approach had me wondering if there could be a setting we could turn on (in a distant future build) that may allow the paint to inherit the velocity of the act of pushing the brush down. So that just by pushing on the canvas to squish your brush, rippling outward velocities would emanate from the brush. It seems at least to me that currently you have to physically move the brush in x and y for velocities to be introduced. I have no idea if what I said just made sense. Knowing you, the feature is already in Verve!

Here are two appropriately themed doodles to get me going...

CopperKing.jpg (170.83 KiB) Viewed 9328 times

WindyKingR.jpg (163.85 KiB) Viewed 9328 times
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Post Sat Apr 26, 2014 11:06 pm

Re: The Future

You are RIGHT ON THE MONEY, as they say, because that is part of the next big brush engine evolution. It's very hard to notice, but the brushes 7 and 8 already regard that, but the context is so different that you can't quite use it. However, I keep talking about wanting to finally do the "real or actual" brush engine I had planned. In it each bristle independently interacts with the canvas, allowing you to do just that, push into the canvas and the paint will be pushed by the bristles where ever they may go. On top of that I've got planned to have some more physics fun with it such as splashes and all that... but I gotta get to all that first. I'm a bit too busy with making a living for a few days, but after that I'll focus on that, too. I might do import of images first, though.

Anyway, very nice doodles! I do very much enjoy the hunting greens and related patterns on the second one! (WindyKingR). The first one reminds me of a very happy Chinese dragon! :D
I'd say you're already inspiring, totally on the right track! :)
Here to help! :D
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Joined: Fri Apr 25, 2014 7:01 am

Post Sat May 03, 2014 9:33 pm

Re: The Future

Yay! Finally had time this weekend to play again! I'm really finding Verve really, really does encourage you to play and experiment. If I was to quantify this I would say that compared to rather expensive, messy real world mediums Verve boosts your experimentation and inspiration levels up by at least 1,000,000 percent :roll: (sticks little finger in corner of mouth). So easy to swish some paint around if you're not happy with an abstract piece's progress and be whisked on another journey by Verve down paths you many never have travelled in any other medium! Hey Taron, will there be any option to disable/enable 'hyperfluids' in a future build? I can't quite put my finger on why, but the previous version kinda felt dare I say a little more refined fluid behaviour wise?! Not sure if this is a good or bad thing really! Either way I'm loving Verve more every time I use it, finally getting used to the shortcuts too! Really is the way to work when you get used to it. The interface melts away and there is nothing between you and the canvas except the brush of course!

Anyway, here are a few pieces I cherry picked out of a 2 hour sesh this afternoon! I must have cranked out a good 20 pieces, some of which didn't 'cut the mustard' on viewing with fresh eyes! Haha!

RainboxRoad_resize.jpg (39.88 KiB) Viewed 9256 times

AutumnDreamscape_resize.jpg (99.88 KiB) Viewed 9256 times

ToTheLight_resize.jpg (54.08 KiB) Viewed 9256 times
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Post Sat May 03, 2014 10:45 pm

Re: The Future

Uh, I shouldn't start doing that, hahaha... :? :lol: stuff, though! 8-)
Here to help! :D
System Info: Mac mini, Apple M1, 8 Gb, Sonoma 14.5 - secondary: AMD Radeon RX Vega 10, AMD Ryzen 7 (2.3 Ghz), Windows 11 | Twitter | Pinterest | YouTube

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