dines sketch book

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Post Thu Apr 21, 2016 12:50 pm

Re: dines sketch book

LIKE ** nice fish
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Post Tue Jan 17, 2023 8:34 pm

Re: dines sketch book

I just shockingly realized that my last post is almost to the day 7 years ago. Last weekend I was kind of reminded what joy it was to paint with verve. So I brushed the dust from my "oldish" windows machine and hooked up my wacom and just had a little fun with fluids and was dragged into painting as well. Nevertheless first I just saved them to disk and now I decided to share them here. Let me know what you think. I was observing and experimenting with eyes obviously how one might see. I still need to improve on smooth blending and crisp outline ... it kind of blurred the more accurate I try to paint.... anyway ... happy to hear your feedback and exiting to find some time to play again with verve...

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2023_01_16_doodle_002_resized.jpg (193.09 KiB) Viewed 2658 times

And the one more ... with abstract fluids fun ...

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Post Tue Jan 17, 2023 8:57 pm

Re: dines sketch book

DANG, Dines, wie schön Dich wieder hier zu haben! :beer:
Yeah, Verve is a joy, but when I'm done with Vervette, a whole new world will open up! 8-)
Love the opal like colors of the last one, too! Beautiful abstract! c:!
But all of them show a nice spectrum of explorations and they show you still got it! ;) :ob
To me these were 7 very long years, come to think of it. So many things have changed. It's wonderful to see that the best parts are still alive and kicking!
Here to help! :D
System Info: Mac mini, Apple M1, 8 Gb, Sonoma 14.5 - secondary: AMD Radeon RX Vega 10, AMD Ryzen 7 (2.3 Ghz), Windows 11
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Post Wed Jan 18, 2023 8:20 pm

Re: dines sketch book

Thank you Taron for your kind feedback and always taking the time to reply :bow:

Yes, 7 years... and I was kind of shocked that I was just spending time on other things ... anyway.
Looks like your focus right now is on Vervette. I haven't tried the sandbox (yet) ... maybe I will... I am still wrestling with all the settings, features and behaviours of Verve... and forgot a lot as well.

Maybe... hopefully ... I will find some more time to explore, improve my painting skills and have fun ... doing creative things.

and speaking of which ... it's just too much fun ... here is another one c:! :beer:

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Post Thu Jan 19, 2023 3:18 am

Re: dines sketch book

Ice&Fire, hehe... yeah, even I have to try and remember some things about Verve. Vervette will become far less mysterious on its surface, but underneath will be a lot more wildness. The sandbox is super simple, though. I should really wrap up a decent release, because I solved so many issues already that are still in the online version. But well...
You certainly remind me of Verve's powerful saturation and ability to shine brightly. :ob
Here to help! :D
System Info: Mac mini, Apple M1, 8 Gb, Sonoma 14.5 - secondary: AMD Radeon RX Vega 10, AMD Ryzen 7 (2.3 Ghz), Windows 11
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Post Sat Jan 21, 2023 9:18 pm

Re: dines sketch book

Now you got me really curious... I finally checked out Vervette and I am really impressed. Great work!
I even went through all 90 pages of the Vervette thread and it was a great journey seeing the great piece come to reality.
Reading about all those ideas and see all those paintings was a cool experience and something you can really be proud of.
I even started to google around like all those things coding related. From WebGL to WebGPU, Shader languages like WGSL makes me even more impressed how this all turns out.
Coming from a coding background I have still no clue how something like this complex could be coded and with that great performance - great work!

I also dipped my toes into the cold water and painted a little doodle. It feels really natural and a lot of fun. I kind of have a feeling that the saved images loose some of the colors compared to the screen or compared to the saved verve files ...but this could also be me and my choice of colors ... anyway I love it and will experiment a lot more with it.

If I could have one request,... I would really love if you would share some sort of tutorial on how to shade, blend like you do in your paintings. With those smooth gradient transitions and still sharp edges. It would be great, if you maybe could share what brush settings you use or how your process of blending/shading works ... more painting or more smudging, etc... maybe a little video ... just in case you'll have time for it or it would also be benefitial for others as well.

Anyway I really enjoy it and have a lot of fun.

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Maybe I should post in the Vervette Sandbox Thread my next one ;-)
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Post Sat Jan 21, 2023 9:42 pm

Re: dines sketch book

A journey into another's heaven. Like "innerspace"("Die Reise ins Ich", glaub ich?!), except this goes into the soul-scape. Really nice! And you're getting certainly some crisp edges there! c:! :ugeek:
Yeah, first of all you should understand that I also only "cook with water", which means: If it looks like a crisp edge and a smooth blend then I was likely making a smooth blend first and then took care of crisp edges, if they needed some extra care. No special trick, really.

Oh, yes, if you save images out of the browser in Vervette, they will be 8bit, which means they are not the full 16bit you have in webGL. But in the full version later on I already have 16bit project files and will still figure out how to export 16bit pngs.
Ah, hahaha, you know, I'm still shocked I can do these things. I literally throw myself into it all. What helps is a great deal of experience and a severe disregard for conventions! :hihi: :? ...while really the most important thing is to simplify in your mind the things you need. There is a certain minimum of necessities that you can't get around. Once you've found that, you're on the right track of organizing a world around these- then- most basic principles. Beyond that I really had to learn to organize and still am in the process of learning- assuming that will never cease. There, too, it's best to simplify, but consider your orientation; what do you need to always find your way around the whole?
It's a long, long journey to figure out what you can put together, what can be centralized, what should be in its own section, how the various parts can interact or be woven together. Coding is a massive organizational puzzle, so to say. It's tremendous fun and tremendously frustrating at times, but it should never ever stop before it is rewarding. And to me it is immensely rewarding. I just love it!
As for WebGL or any GL, there's no way around you having to know what you're doing geometrically, mathematically and logically. In other words, knowing the language is almost the last step, hahahaha... really. I throw myself into so many coding environments, it's a little nuts. Normally it doesn't take me long to get things going, but that's only because I do understand the basic principles of things and they do continue to hold true, no matter what's the coding language or even the platform.
However, you should really look into GLSL (shader language), because that will become a very active part of what you'll be able to do with Vervette!!! 8-) :hyper:
Here to help! :D
System Info: Mac mini, Apple M1, 8 Gb, Sonoma 14.5 - secondary: AMD Radeon RX Vega 10, AMD Ryzen 7 (2.3 Ghz), Windows 11
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Post Mon Jan 23, 2023 9:02 am

Re: dines sketch book

Haha ... yeah really huge puzzle indeed - I bet there is a ton to take care of.
And all this leveraging JavaScript? Or did you take a look at a higher level language that compiles to for example WASM (web assembly). I heard that Rust is a new and safer way to write memory efficiant code as like in C++ with the possibility to compile down to WASM. I briefly looked at it the languages. It has also some functional aspect in it coming from OCAML (which I really like) and a different way for memory management - and no garbage collector or any virtual invironment like Java JVM or .Net Framework. But I did not find the time to really code with Rust (but maybe one day). I also read that the future of WebGL will be WebGPU. As they state more performant and better access to the GPU. It Came from the movement from OpenGL to Vulkan... but like I said ... only just observiation I have really no idea about graphics programming.
And please do not get me wrong ... these are all fantastic new technologies that I am right now learning that they exist. So I am not in any position to recommend anything.. since you already shipping great stuff with your pipeline as it is. :bow:

Right now I still can not imaging how some vectors and matrices can result in such stunning piece of software. But anyways ... not sure if I'm into coding shaders ... will look at GLSL - but like you said it's not about the syntax of the language is more the theory behind shaders... but you'll never know :ugeek: ...

But existing stuff! Thangs again to open my horizont in a new dimension.

To this one I turned back to verve c:! ... to practice more shading, blending... still feels not as clean as would like to have it :PP . The perspective is a little off but nevertheless ... I kind of like it.
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Post Mon Jan 23, 2023 1:08 pm

Re: dines sketch book

What? That looks GREAT! :bounce: c:!
I absolutely love the intense vibrancy of it and the very strong shapes! It does not at all have to be "clean". It has to express your impulses and it does so fabulously. I love it! :ob :ob :ob
I've heard of Rust for a long time now and anything closer to Assembler would be a "lower level" language, wouldn't it? That means, closer to the machine, so to say, further down. Javascript is beautiful in my opinion and I'm glad I don't have to do garbage collection for it there myself, but GL doesn't offer that luxury, hahaha, not like it's the biggest deal. It is, as long as you don't know about it, though, HAHA, which happened to me before. :hihi: :oops:

The biggest problem is still to sit on the browser as runtime, which is also a wonderful convenience, but they're just not that snappy when it comes to real time input like from the tablet. There's a delay that I just couldn't gap, yet. I wonder if any of the emerging languages have found a way around this? Doubt it, though.
Who knows, maybe I'll end up having a closer look at potentially more ideal environments. :shrug: Good calls, though! :geek: :ob
Here to help! :D
System Info: Mac mini, Apple M1, 8 Gb, Sonoma 14.5 - secondary: AMD Radeon RX Vega 10, AMD Ryzen 7 (2.3 Ghz), Windows 11
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Post Mon Jan 23, 2023 8:22 pm

Re: dines sketch book

What a bunch of entertaining drawings :roll:
The fire/ice and the last one especially stands out for my taste, somehow. That last one.. ..quite a mystery :?

Taron is a software developer from the future - he develops stuff that people like, that is very useful, is innovative and out of the box and stuff that doesn't do surveillance to its users.
Taron, are you a time traveler? We can have suspicions that verve painter's and Vervette's architecture possibly also might be a work of art (even if chaotic here and there) but Taron won't admit it anyways.

Great to come and still see this avantgarde niche forum filled with new verve-drawings, especially from long standing users.

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