Windows 10 madness again...
Finally I decided to play around with pen pressure and it works. However, it ONLY works when you enable Windows Ink. BUT Windows Ink brings back those annoying Modifier Key Bubbles [SHIFT], [CTRL] and so on...
Further more, it hides the standard cursor while drawing!!! What in the world? I mean, what in the actually f...
So, yeah, Microsoft is quite an efficient saboteur when it comes to the joy of painting in a browser, pffff.
Anyway, the good news remain that pen pressure and the likes work. But currently I actual am happier without them, as this allows me to keep Windows Ink turned off, making it all faster, too, and without extra annoyances.
The upshot is, although there's no honorable reason for it, working in browsers beyond browsing is made really hard without it needing to be. If someone of you has an interesting solution from experience with Windows 10, Wacom and using it in browsers, I'd be thrilled to learn about it!