An another inspiration machine!

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Post Wed Jun 01, 2022 5:55 pm

An another inspiration machine!

Is beautiful that please without concept!
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Post Sun Jun 19, 2022 8:59 am

Re: An another inspiration machine!

Is beautiful that please without concept!
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Post Sun Jun 19, 2022 5:28 pm

Re: An another inspiration machine!

I cant see the link
my system: intel7 - 2600k, gtx 970, dualboot windows 7 64 bit / ubuntu 14.04 lts
my deviantartpage:
my youtube channel: zeropainter - ok, there are only 2-3 very short videos
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Post Sun Jun 19, 2022 8:25 pm

Re: An another inspiration machine!

Is beautiful that please without concept!
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Post Sun Jun 19, 2022 9:17 pm

Re: An another inspiration machine!

Scary. It may become difficult for true artists to break through when the world is flooded with this soulless, debilitating auto-overwhelmer bot.
But then again it may boost the necessity to create tools that make it easier for real artists to create their own language of massive detail without getting discouraged.
Point is, we have to stay strong and remind ourselves that we are artists to share our own inner ideals and their development with each other. Your ideals do matter and will always be a unique source of inspiration that will resonate with others on a far more relatable level, the more you manage to express yourself clearly.

No doubt, it's stunning what comes out of these A.I. approaches, but it almost exposes the mindless effect hashing techniques of common concept art for what it is. Impressive, but also fatiguing. Because there is no coherent inspiration behind them. Frankenstein stuff, offering the words for people to lie with, if you know what I mean. Don't get me wrong, I really am happy for everyone, who truly enjoys it, I can understand that, but I just want to reach out to all the real, deeply driven artists, making sure that they don't get discouraged. But real artists won't anyway. I have great faith in that!

Only other thing is, it's likely that it will indeed put great many "service artists" out of their jobs. Be sure to understand that! Many potential clients will be dazzled enough by this stuff to literally try their own hands on it and a large chunk of arts in the service industry will drop off. And piece by piece, dullness will squeeze the joy out of people so much, that they won't quite look closely anymore and may miss something that would've really spoken to them otherwise. I see a great danger of people melting into puddles of mediocrity without even noticing it.

But all the true artists will pick everyone back up again and inspire them to rediscover what it means to create from ones own soul. They will encourage you to get on that journey to learn your craft, because only you can express your ideals. A.I. makes it merely a sophisticated "multiple choice" and that always means it can only ever be less than what's truly inside you! c:!
Here to help! :D
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Post Sun Jun 19, 2022 9:45 pm

Re: An another inspiration machine!

All artists! Even those who are not!
Magic tools that are the same for everyone!
As always it's the real "artists" who will do the best things with them! ;)

Look Zbrush every can use it but look the results : it's quasi only "true" artists who give the best ones beauties! :)
Is beautiful that please without concept!
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Post Sun Jun 19, 2022 10:00 pm

Re: An another inspiration machine!

Oh, I remember how upset I was at Zbrush 1, hahaha, and Ofer took it wonderfully serious, listening to what I was upset about. We made Zbrush a practical tool from what was merely an illusion. That's why it is so important to complain, you know.
Thing is, I'm just worried when people can't keep up with the depth of illusion a tool can produce. I can feel the pain myself. I find that a tool always must be mastered and it should never master you, if that makes any sense. When you compromise too much, because what is being offered by a tool appears to outdo your patience or even level of skill, you may be inclined to give up or give in and abandon your ideals or misidentify the offerings for your ideals. It's dangerous. A slippery slope. But only for a while, I believe.
There will come a great deal of frustration, I have no doubt about that. But we will overcome that, too, and find our way back. I make it my mission to create and offer tools that will revive the artist's hands, so to say. It will offer the use of computed textures and structures, but more akin to how traditional artists would use sponges or crinkled up paper or whatever other tricks they might use. But their motion will stay in them and they will still be the leading hand of it. That is my goal!
Here to help! :D
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Post Sun Jun 19, 2022 10:29 pm

Re: An another inspiration machine!

One more thing, Pilou: You are a real artist! Before you start thinking less of yourself there and misidentifying yourself with the wrong group. Your art is different, you don't just try to write some words and are satisfied with what the computer spits out. When I see what you do, you love fiddling around with things, exploring shapes, colors, images based on YOUR input, based on the forms you put inside of it. Sure, you truly enjoy letting the computer fill in the shapes with whatever wonderful details or the likes, but I believe you always must have your hand in it. Even if it was pure exploration, it still is you. You also don't ever pass it off as anything that it isn't. There's love, passion and open honesty in what you do from all I know and we know each other for decades now, don't we?
And I love your attitude and faith in exploration. I would never dare wanting to take that away from you. But I will always speak my mind as you know. And when something worries me, I must at least mention these worries, but always hope to offer some alternative ideas besides the worries. At the end I'm never really truly worried, because I believe to know enough about the essential purpose of this world that nothing that ever goes "wrong" lets things stay "wrong". In other words, nothing ever truly goes wrong, but helps us to find problems or weaknesses so we can overcome them.
But you, my friend, are a real artist if I know any!
Here to help! :D
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Post Sun Jun 19, 2022 11:12 pm

Re: An another inspiration machine!

The cool thing is that you are on the each sides : coder & artist ...
Personally i am more an hobbyist retired who loves to play with tools that don't exist in our youth ! c:!
Is beautiful that please without concept!
Latop: Geforce GTX 950M, Intel Quad Core i7, Windows 10, 8 Gigas, 2.4ghz
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Post Sun Jun 19, 2022 11:39 pm

Re: An another inspiration machine!

Certainly exciting times! 8-)
Here to help! :D
System Info: Mac mini, Apple M1, 8 Gb, Sonoma 14.5 - secondary: AMD Radeon RX Vega 10, AMD Ryzen 7 (2.3 Ghz), Windows 11 | Twitter | Pinterest | YouTube

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