Better call Saul - season 2

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Post Tue Mar 22, 2016 11:15 pm

Better call Saul - season 2

Are you watching this? If not I can really recommend it. It is not "Breaking bad" but very good in a different more calm way..
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Post Tue Mar 22, 2016 11:57 pm

Re: Better call Saul - season 2

Yeah, but it has the same kind of depressive vibe that just pulls one down somehow. We've watched the first season, but eventually just had enough of it, you know.
There are a bunch of great shows running these days well worth watching, though, which my wife and I enjoy both:
The Night Manager
Lucky man
Brooklyn nine-nine
...and a few more, I think.
I personally watch WAY TOO MANY shows, which I don't even like that much, but still...most of them, though, have a very different feeling.
My other favorites are most definitely:
The Walking Dead
Daredevil (So fantastic!), yeah...guess it called for making a small list of recommendations, hehe. :)
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Post Wed Mar 23, 2016 10:13 am

Re: Better call Saul - season 2

don't forget GAME OF THRONES :rock: - ok I know only SEASON I and II but I will definetly watch this year all seasons until V or VI.

I like also the Seasons SHOGUN and the season NORTH AND SOUTH - from the 1980's - so sad, that Patrick Swayze are died some years ago.
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Post Wed Mar 23, 2016 12:27 pm

Re: Better call Saul - season 2

Thank you guys, great to see your comments and tips! :) Currently I am using this BCS season for learning and better understanding english :)

Yes it is little bit depressive but overall I like the story and atmosphere. My next tips can be Fargo 1, 2, True detective but they all are really dark.. And from the oldest I can choose for example Millennium series from Stieg Larsson.

I don´t now why, maybe because I thought more about Fargo actors, if you don´t know I can recommend Sling Blade movie. Interesting movie with such a nice music. Do you know it? Screenplay, director, main actor - Billy Bob Thornton.
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Post Wed Mar 23, 2016 1:06 pm

Re: Better call Saul - season 2

Sling Blade was incredible, really. Very fascinating movie.
True Detectives is to me kind of a pretentious actor's showcase full of self-indulgence that I just couldn't bare for long, not to mention that it made something marginally interesting even less interesting to me for some reason.
If you want to see something completely over the top but somehow hypnotic then I completely recommend Hannibal!
Pity that they had to cut it off (haha), but I found it completely mesmerizing and here and there downright brilliant. I don't think it was pretentious, while one could make that claim. I thought it was incredibly bold and artistic.

Fargo, yeah, all about atmosphere, too. I never really watched the tv show, I think, but the movie was a treat.
OH, if you want wicked atmosphere and weirdness all over in a strangely emotional sense, watch Leftovers! :? :lol: ...crazy show that sucked me in, too.

I used to like Millennium, somehow just went away back in the day. Felt like it kind of drifted off into some sort of nowhere and I don't remember it ever coming to the final point?
In terms of Sci-Fi, the one show I really was truly angry about having been dropped was Stargate:Universe. That thing had such amazing premise and fantastic potential, but they kind of stretched it for no reason and then went so provocatively religious that I think it rubbed some important people the wrong way. Real shame, though.
One of the most dreadful actresses on that show made a really redeeming comeback in Marvel's Agents of Shield (Another fun show to watch, if you like that sort of thing. I kinda do...including all the DC shows, too, hehe. Never was much of a fan of these kinds of comics, but well...the shows sure work for me.)

Game of Thrones,, the first seasons were stunning for sure, very, very provocative, too. But somehow I'm not very happy with the last two, I think. It's like it's losing its own thread somehow or turns into a kind of free-style-writing indulgence with really weird stretches in them. Just not particularly engaging to me. Real shame, too! I'll still watch the rest.
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Post Thu Mar 24, 2016 1:26 pm

Re: Better call Saul - season 2

Better Call Saul is definitely worth seeing! And hilarious... who can think of "a man who cries while sitting in pies..."?
(I do like that show... probably because I loved Breaking Bad)
I must admit I also watch too many TV series... that is to say nearly all TV shows that were already mentioned here... hum... and more... like Narcos, Mr Robot, Sense8, Man in High Castle, Into the Badlands, Wayward Pines, Ash vs Evil Dead, Sherlock, House of Cards, 11.22.63... and this list is not exhaustive, making me think I am developping a seriously bad addiction. I even share addiction by watching some series like B99, Modern Family and Good Wife with my wife :?
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Post Thu Mar 24, 2016 2:03 pm

Re: Better call Saul - season 2

Crap...let's not list all the shows I'm watching... :oops:
Mr.Robot was good fun, too, for sure. Not to mention that revamp of time cop "Continuum" and on and on and on...including some reality shows such as Ink Master, Face off and the occasional talent shows. Holy freaking shit...(sorry)...I gotta stop watching shows. It just can't be good for my brains. :shock: :PP
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Post Fri Mar 25, 2016 9:58 pm

Re: Better call Saul - season 2

Great tips guys! Because I don´t know almost all you mentioned I am going to start with Hannibal. I read more comments about it and it looks it can be my cup of tea.. Moreover Mads Mikkelsen is such a great actor.

Wayward Pines - very good horror-scifi (writer of the story used to like Twin Peaks and somebody can see some parallels) but the original book is much better, I can recommend to read it first.

Sherlock.. I am a big fan of books with Sherlock Holmes and that's why I am not able to accept modern rendition of him..

I can recommend.. I am sure you know it.. for example Black Books :)
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Post Fri Mar 25, 2016 10:20 pm

Re: Better call Saul - season 2

Oh, no, Lemi, watch Sherlock from the start and you will not regret it, trust me...and...millions of others, because it's undeniably brilliant. The latest one isn't all that great, thus you should really start from the beginning! Your wife is going to enjoy it, too! ;)
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